Particle Physics and the Universe [electronic resource] :Proceedings of the 9th Adriatic Meeting, Sept. 2003, Dubrovnik / edited by Josip Trampetić, Julius Wess.
by Trampetić, Josip [editor.]; Wess, Julius [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
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Neutrinos, Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravity -- The Neutrino Mass Matrix — From A4 to Z3 -- Neutrinos — Inner Properties and Role as Astrophysical Messengers -- Lepton Flavor Violation in the SUSY Seesaw Model: An Update -- Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter in the Galaxy -- Supernovae and Dark Energy -- Semiclassical Cosmology with Running Cosmological Constant -- Limits on New Inverse-Power Law Forces -- Quantum Gravity Phenomenology and Lorentz Violation -- On the Quantum Width of a Black Hole Horizon -- The Internal Structure of Black Holes -- Microscopic Interpretation of Black Hole Entropy -- Dark Matter Experiments at Boulby Mine -- Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays and the Pierre Auger Observatory -- Self-Accelerated Universe -- Charge and Isospin Fluctuations in High Energy pp-Collisions -- Superluminal Pions in the Linear Sigma Model -- Strings, Branes, Noncommutative Field Theories and Grand Unification -- Comments on Noncommutative Field Theories -- Seiberg-Witten Maps and Anomalies in Noncommutative Yang-Mills Theories -- Renormalisation Group Approach to Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory -- Noncommutative Gauge Theories via Seiberg-Witten Map -- The Noncommutative Standard Model and Forbidden Decays -- The Dressed Sliver in VSFT -- M5-Branes and Matrix Theory -- Brane Gravity -- Stringy de Sitter Brane-Worlds -- Finite Unified Theories and the Higgs Mass Prediction -- Non-Commutative GUTs, Standard Model and C, P, T Properties from Seiberg-Witten Map -- Noncommutative Gauge Theory on the q-Deformed Euclidean Plane -- A Multispecies Calogero Model -- Divergencies in Noncommutative SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory -- Gauge Theory on the Fuzzy Sphere and Random Matrices -- Standard Model — Theory and Experiment -- Waiting for Clear Signals of New Physics in B and K Decays -- Electron-Positron Linear Collider -- New Source of CP Violation in B Physics? -- LHC Physics -- Precision Calculations in the MSSM -- Theoretical Aspects of Heavy Flavour Physics -- Hard Exclusive Processes and Higher-Order QCD Corrections -- Strings in the Yang-Mills Theory: How They Form, Live and Decay -- Constraining New Physics from the Muon Decay -- Jets in Deep Inelastic Scattering and High Energy Photoproduction at HERA -- CP Violation from Orbifold: From Examples to Unification Structures -- Doubly Projected Functions in Out of Equilibrium Thermal Field Theories -- Nonfactorizable Contributions in $$\overline {B^0 } $$ ? Ds/+Ds/? and $$\overline {B_s^0 } $$ ? D+D? Decays -- On the Geometry of Gauge Field Theories -- On the Singlet Penguin in B ? K?? Decay -- Bjorken-Like Limit versus Fermi-Watson Approximation in High Energy Hadron Diffraction -- Some Aspects of Radiative Corrections and Non-Decoupling Effects of Heavy Higgs Bosons in Two Higgs Doublet Model -- Towards a NNLO Calculation in Hadronic Heavy Hadron Production -- Jet Physics at CDF.
The focus of the contributions contained in this proceedings is the interplay between cosmology, astroparticle physics and particle physics, both from the theoretical and experimental point of view. The Adriatic Meetings have traditionally been one of the very few physics conferences devoted to the most advanced status of science while aiming at a very broad participation of both young and experienced researchers with diverse backgrounds in particle physics.
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