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Classic Papers in Modern Diagnostic Radiology [electronic resource] /edited by Adrian M.K. Thomas, Arpan K. Banerjee, Uwe Busch.

by Thomas, Adrian M.K [editor.]; Banerjee, Arpan K [editor.]; Busch, Uwe [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.Description: XX, 672 p. 50 illus. online resource.ISBN: 9783540269885.Subject(s): Medicine | Radiology, Medical | Interventional radiology | Diagnosis, Ultrasonic | Cardiology | Medicine & Public Health | Imaging / Radiology | Diagnostic Radiology | Interventional Radiology | Ultrasound | CardiologyDDC classification: 616.0757 Online resources: Click here to access online
Computer Tomography -- Magnetic Resonance Imaging -- Ultrasound -- Digital Imaging -- PACS -- Contrast Agents -- Angiography and Interventional Radiology -- Mammography.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: The book reproduces the classic papers that form the foundation of modern diagnostic and interventional radiology. Radiology has changed almost beyond recognition in the past 40 years and is now central to the practice of modern medicine. We now have non-invasive diagnosis and minimally invasive imaging-guided therapy. Whilst we are all aware of the great names in radiology they are often only names, and the papers are famous but may be difficult to locate. This book brings together in a single and convenient volume the classics of our modern practice of radiology. The choice is obviously personal, but we feel that these papers have stood the test of time. Each paper is reproduced in its original format, with the original references and illustrations, and its significance is discussed. The papers are accompanied by biographical sketches of the key pioneers, and each relevant section includes an introductory essay on the history of the imaging modality discussed.
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Computer Tomography -- Magnetic Resonance Imaging -- Ultrasound -- Digital Imaging -- PACS -- Contrast Agents -- Angiography and Interventional Radiology -- Mammography.

The book reproduces the classic papers that form the foundation of modern diagnostic and interventional radiology. Radiology has changed almost beyond recognition in the past 40 years and is now central to the practice of modern medicine. We now have non-invasive diagnosis and minimally invasive imaging-guided therapy. Whilst we are all aware of the great names in radiology they are often only names, and the papers are famous but may be difficult to locate. This book brings together in a single and convenient volume the classics of our modern practice of radiology. The choice is obviously personal, but we feel that these papers have stood the test of time. Each paper is reproduced in its original format, with the original references and illustrations, and its significance is discussed. The papers are accompanied by biographical sketches of the key pioneers, and each relevant section includes an introductory essay on the history of the imaging modality discussed.

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