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Speech and Audio Processing in Adverse Environments [electronic resource] /edited by Eberhard Hänsler, Gerhard Schmidt.

by Hänsler, Eberhard [editor.]; Schmidt, Gerhard [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Signals and Communication Technology: Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.Description: online resource.ISBN: 9783540706021.Subject(s): Engineering | Acoustics | Engineering | Signal, Image and Speech Processing | AcousticsDDC classification: 621.382 Online resources: Click here to access online
Speech Enhancement -- Low Delay Filter-Banks for Speech and Audio Processing -- A Pre-Filter for Hands-Free Car Phone Noise Reduction: Suppression of Harmonic Engine Noise Components -- Model-Based Speech Enhancement -- Bandwidth Extension of Telephony Speech -- Dereverberation and Residual Echo Suppression in Noisy Environments -- Low Distortion Noise Cancellers – Revival of a Classical Technique -- Echo Cancellation -- Nonlinear Echo Cancellation Based on Spectral Shaping -- Signal and System Quality Evaluation -- Telephone-Speech Quality -- Evaluation of Hands-free Terminals -- Multi-Channel Processing -- Correlation-Based TDOA-Estimation for Multiple Sources in Reverberant Environments -- Microphone Calibration for Multi-Channel Signal Processing -- Convolutive Blind Source Separation for Noisy Mixtures -- Binaural Speech Segregation -- Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Inverse Filtering in the Wave Domain -- Selected Applications -- Virtual Hearing -- Dynamic Sound Control Algorithms in Automobiles -- Towards Robust Distant-Talking Automatic Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: The book reflects the state of the art in important areas of speech and audio signal processing. It presents topics which are missed so far and most recent findings in the field. Leading international experts report on their field of work and their new results. Considerable amount of space is covered by multi-microphone systems, specific approaches for noise reduction, and evaluations of speech signals and speech processing systems. Multi-microphone systems include automatic calibration of microphones, localisation of sound sources, and source separation procedures. Also covered are recent approaches to the problem of adaptive echo and noise suppression. A novel solution allows the design of filter banks exhibiting bands spaced according to the Bark scale und especially short delay times. Furthermore, a method for engine noise reduction and proposals for improving the signal/noise ratio based on partial signal reconstruction or using a noise reference are reported. A number of contributions deal with speech quality. Besides basic considerations for quality evaluation specific methods for bandwidth extension of telephone speech are described. Procedures to reduce the reverberation of audio signals can help to increase speech intelligibility and speech recognition rates. In addition, solutions for specific applications in speech and audio signal processing are reported including, e.g., the enhancement of audio signal reproduction in automobiles and the automatic evaluation of hands-free systems and hearing aids.
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Speech Enhancement -- Low Delay Filter-Banks for Speech and Audio Processing -- A Pre-Filter for Hands-Free Car Phone Noise Reduction: Suppression of Harmonic Engine Noise Components -- Model-Based Speech Enhancement -- Bandwidth Extension of Telephony Speech -- Dereverberation and Residual Echo Suppression in Noisy Environments -- Low Distortion Noise Cancellers – Revival of a Classical Technique -- Echo Cancellation -- Nonlinear Echo Cancellation Based on Spectral Shaping -- Signal and System Quality Evaluation -- Telephone-Speech Quality -- Evaluation of Hands-free Terminals -- Multi-Channel Processing -- Correlation-Based TDOA-Estimation for Multiple Sources in Reverberant Environments -- Microphone Calibration for Multi-Channel Signal Processing -- Convolutive Blind Source Separation for Noisy Mixtures -- Binaural Speech Segregation -- Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Inverse Filtering in the Wave Domain -- Selected Applications -- Virtual Hearing -- Dynamic Sound Control Algorithms in Automobiles -- Towards Robust Distant-Talking Automatic Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments.

The book reflects the state of the art in important areas of speech and audio signal processing. It presents topics which are missed so far and most recent findings in the field. Leading international experts report on their field of work and their new results. Considerable amount of space is covered by multi-microphone systems, specific approaches for noise reduction, and evaluations of speech signals and speech processing systems. Multi-microphone systems include automatic calibration of microphones, localisation of sound sources, and source separation procedures. Also covered are recent approaches to the problem of adaptive echo and noise suppression. A novel solution allows the design of filter banks exhibiting bands spaced according to the Bark scale und especially short delay times. Furthermore, a method for engine noise reduction and proposals for improving the signal/noise ratio based on partial signal reconstruction or using a noise reference are reported. A number of contributions deal with speech quality. Besides basic considerations for quality evaluation specific methods for bandwidth extension of telephone speech are described. Procedures to reduce the reverberation of audio signals can help to increase speech intelligibility and speech recognition rates. In addition, solutions for specific applications in speech and audio signal processing are reported including, e.g., the enhancement of audio signal reproduction in automobiles and the automatic evaluation of hands-free systems and hearing aids.

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