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String Theory and Fundamental Interactions [electronic resource] :Gabriele Veneziano and Theoretical Physics: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives / edited by Maurizio Gasperini, Jnan Maharana.

by Gasperini, Maurizio [editor.]; Maharana, Jnan [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Lecture Notes in Physics: 737Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.Description: online resource.ISBN: 9783540742333.Subject(s): Physics | Mathematical physics | Relativity (Physics) | Quantum theory | Physics | Physics beyond the Standard Model | Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory | Relativity and Cosmology | Mathematical Methods in PhysicsDDC classification: 530.14 Online resources: Click here to access online
Gabriele Veneziano: A Concise Scientific Biography and an Interview -- An Unpublished Draft by Gabriele Veneziano (1973): “Non-local Field Theory Suggested by Dual Models” -- Dual Resonance Models and String Theory -- The Birth of the Veneziano Model and String Theory -- The Birth of String Theory -- The Beginning of String Theory: A Historical Sketch -- The Little Story of an Algebra -- Perturbative QCD -- Parton Densities: A Personal Retrospective -- Infrared-sensitive Physics in QCD and in Electroweak Theory -- From QCD Lagrangian to Monte Carlo Simulation -- Fracture Functions -- Non-perturbative QCD -- Coherence and Incoherence in QCD Jets Dynamics (QCD Jets and Branching Processes) -- The U(1)A Anomaly and QCD Phenomenology -- Planar Equivalence 2006 -- Supersymmetric Guage Theories -- Instantons and Supersymmetry -- The Magnetic Monopoles Seventy-five Years Later -- String dualities and symmetries -- Novel Symmetries of String Theory -- Threshold Effects Beyond the Standard Model -- Dualities in String Cosmology -- Spontaneous Breaking of Space—Time Symmetries -- String/Quantum Gravity, Black Holes and Entropy -- The Information Paradox -- Cosmological Entropy Bounds -- Extremal Black Holes in Supergravity -- Expectation Values and Vacuum Currents of Quantum Fields -- String Cosmology -- Dilaton Cosmology and Phenomenology -- Relic Gravitons and String Pre-big-bang Cosmology -- Magnetic Fields, Strings and Cosmology -- Cosmological Singularities and a Conjectured Gravity/Coset Correspondence -- Brane Inflation: String Theory Viewed from the Cosmos.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: This volume, dedicated to Prof. Gabriele Veneziano on the occasion of his retirement from CERN, starts as a broad historico-scientific study on the work on string theory and nonperturbative QCD that has been pioneered by Prof. Veneziano in the late 60s and early 70s. It goes on to examine the many ramifications this and similar early work has spawned over the past decades and the reader will find state-of-the art tutorial reviews on string cosmology, string dualities and symmetries, and much more. The book includes a concise updated scientific biography of, and an interview with, Prof. Veneziano, in which he relates his personal views about the present and future of fundamental physics. This is followed by the commented draft of an unpublished paper of 1973 of his, anticipating interesting results which were rediscovered and published more than a decade later. Overall, this volume is a vast and unique canvas where the re-examination of older and the presentation of newer results and insights are skillfully mixed with personal recollections of the contributing authors, most of them involved in the early days of string and quantum field theory, about Prof. Veneziano and the many interrelated topics considered.
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Gabriele Veneziano: A Concise Scientific Biography and an Interview -- An Unpublished Draft by Gabriele Veneziano (1973): “Non-local Field Theory Suggested by Dual Models” -- Dual Resonance Models and String Theory -- The Birth of the Veneziano Model and String Theory -- The Birth of String Theory -- The Beginning of String Theory: A Historical Sketch -- The Little Story of an Algebra -- Perturbative QCD -- Parton Densities: A Personal Retrospective -- Infrared-sensitive Physics in QCD and in Electroweak Theory -- From QCD Lagrangian to Monte Carlo Simulation -- Fracture Functions -- Non-perturbative QCD -- Coherence and Incoherence in QCD Jets Dynamics (QCD Jets and Branching Processes) -- The U(1)A Anomaly and QCD Phenomenology -- Planar Equivalence 2006 -- Supersymmetric Guage Theories -- Instantons and Supersymmetry -- The Magnetic Monopoles Seventy-five Years Later -- String dualities and symmetries -- Novel Symmetries of String Theory -- Threshold Effects Beyond the Standard Model -- Dualities in String Cosmology -- Spontaneous Breaking of Space—Time Symmetries -- String/Quantum Gravity, Black Holes and Entropy -- The Information Paradox -- Cosmological Entropy Bounds -- Extremal Black Holes in Supergravity -- Expectation Values and Vacuum Currents of Quantum Fields -- String Cosmology -- Dilaton Cosmology and Phenomenology -- Relic Gravitons and String Pre-big-bang Cosmology -- Magnetic Fields, Strings and Cosmology -- Cosmological Singularities and a Conjectured Gravity/Coset Correspondence -- Brane Inflation: String Theory Viewed from the Cosmos.

This volume, dedicated to Prof. Gabriele Veneziano on the occasion of his retirement from CERN, starts as a broad historico-scientific study on the work on string theory and nonperturbative QCD that has been pioneered by Prof. Veneziano in the late 60s and early 70s. It goes on to examine the many ramifications this and similar early work has spawned over the past decades and the reader will find state-of-the art tutorial reviews on string cosmology, string dualities and symmetries, and much more. The book includes a concise updated scientific biography of, and an interview with, Prof. Veneziano, in which he relates his personal views about the present and future of fundamental physics. This is followed by the commented draft of an unpublished paper of 1973 of his, anticipating interesting results which were rediscovered and published more than a decade later. Overall, this volume is a vast and unique canvas where the re-examination of older and the presentation of newer results and insights are skillfully mixed with personal recollections of the contributing authors, most of them involved in the early days of string and quantum field theory, about Prof. Veneziano and the many interrelated topics considered.

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