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Advances in Transport Phenomena 2010 [electronic resource] /edited by Liqiu Wang.

by Wang, Liqiu [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Advances in Transport Phenomena: 2Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.Description: XII, 336 p. online resource.ISBN: 9783642194665.Subject(s): Engineering | Chemical engineering | Thermodynamics | Hydraulic engineering | Engineering | Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer | Thermodynamics | Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering | Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics | Engineering Fluid Dynamics | Classical Continuum PhysicsDDC classification: 621.4021 Online resources: Click here to access online
Optimization Principles for heat convection -- Nonequilibrium Transport: The Lagging Behavior -- Microfluidics: Fabrication, Droplets, Bubbles and Nanofluids Synthesis -- Multi-scale modelling of liquid suspensions of micron particles in the presence of nanoparticles .
In: Springer eBooksSummary: The term transport phenomena is used to describe processes in which mass, momentum, energy and entropy move about in matter. Advances in Transport Phenomena provide state-of-the-art expositions of major advances by theoretical, numerical and experimental studies from a molecular, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic or megascopic point of view across the spectrum of transport phenomena, from scientific enquiries to practical applications. The annual review series intends to fill the information gap between regularly published journals and university-level textbooks by providing in-depth review articles over a broader scope than in journals. The authoritative articles, contributed by internationally-leading scientists and practitioners, establish the state of the art, disseminate the latest research discoveries, serve as a central source of reference for fundamentals and applications of transport phenomena, and provide potential textbooks to senior undergraduate and graduate students. This review book provides state-of-the-art expositions of major advances by theoretical, numerical and experimental studies from a molecular, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic or megascopic point of view across the spectrum of transport phenomena, from scientific enquiries to practical applications. This new volume of the annual review "Advances in Transport Phenomena" series provides in-depth review articles covering the fields of mass transfer, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics. This review book provides state-of-the-art expositions of major advances by theoretical, numerical and experimental studies from a molecular, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic or megascopic point of view across the spectrum of transport phenomena, from scientific enquiries to practical applications. This new volume of the annual review "Advances in Transport Phenomena" series provides in-depth review articles covering the fields of mass transfer, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics.
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Optimization Principles for heat convection -- Nonequilibrium Transport: The Lagging Behavior -- Microfluidics: Fabrication, Droplets, Bubbles and Nanofluids Synthesis -- Multi-scale modelling of liquid suspensions of micron particles in the presence of nanoparticles .

The term transport phenomena is used to describe processes in which mass, momentum, energy and entropy move about in matter. Advances in Transport Phenomena provide state-of-the-art expositions of major advances by theoretical, numerical and experimental studies from a molecular, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic or megascopic point of view across the spectrum of transport phenomena, from scientific enquiries to practical applications. The annual review series intends to fill the information gap between regularly published journals and university-level textbooks by providing in-depth review articles over a broader scope than in journals. The authoritative articles, contributed by internationally-leading scientists and practitioners, establish the state of the art, disseminate the latest research discoveries, serve as a central source of reference for fundamentals and applications of transport phenomena, and provide potential textbooks to senior undergraduate and graduate students. This review book provides state-of-the-art expositions of major advances by theoretical, numerical and experimental studies from a molecular, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic or megascopic point of view across the spectrum of transport phenomena, from scientific enquiries to practical applications. This new volume of the annual review "Advances in Transport Phenomena" series provides in-depth review articles covering the fields of mass transfer, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics. This review book provides state-of-the-art expositions of major advances by theoretical, numerical and experimental studies from a molecular, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic or megascopic point of view across the spectrum of transport phenomena, from scientific enquiries to practical applications. This new volume of the annual review "Advances in Transport Phenomena" series provides in-depth review articles covering the fields of mass transfer, fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics.

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