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Evolutionary Biology – Concepts, Biodiversity, Macroevolution and Genome Evolution [electronic resource] /edited by Pierre Pontarotti.

by Pontarotti, Pierre [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : 2011.Description: XV, 345p. 95 illus., 48 illus. in color. online resource.ISBN: 9783642207631.Subject(s): Life sciences | Developmental biology | Biodiversity | Evolution (Biology) | Microbial genetics | Plant breeding | Animal genetics | Life Sciences | Evolutionary Biology | Plant Genetics & Genomics | Microbial Genetics and Genomics | Animal Genetics and Genomics | Biodiversity | Developmental BiologyDDC classification: 576.8 Online resources: Click here to access online
Site-specific self-catalyzed DNA depurination, the basis of a spontaneous mutagenic mechanism of wide evolutionary significance -- Stochastic processes driving directional -- Evolution of self-fertile hermaphrodite -- Insights into eukaryotic interacting protein evolution -- Integration of evolutionary biology concepts for functional annotation and automation of complex researches in evolution: the multi-agents software system DAGOBAH -- A new animal model for merging ecology and evolution -- Rapid evolution of simple microbial communities in the laboratory -- Use of paleontological and phylogenetic data in comparative and paleobiological analyses : a few recent developments -- Seasonal flowering and evolution: will plant species be under stress from global warming?- The emergence of cellular complexity at the dawn of the eukaryotes: reconstructing the endomembrane system with in silico and function -- Neurophilogeny-retracing early metazoan brain evolution -- A new early Cambrian lobopod-bearing animal (Murero, Spain) and the problem of the ecdysozoan early diversification -- Genomic perspectives on the long-term absence of sexual reproduction in animals -- Evolutionary constraint on DNA shape in the human genome -- Evolution of fungi and their respiratory metabolism -- Genome structure and gene expression variation in plant mitochondria, particularly in the genus Silene -- Evolutionary dynamics and genomic impact of prokaryote transposable elements -- Transposable elements in a marginal population of Aegilops  speltoides: temporal fluctuations provide new insights into genome evolution of wild diploid wheat -- Analysis of the conservative motifs in promoters of miRNA genes, expressed in different tissues of mammalians -- Analysis of the conservative motifs in promoters of miRNA genes, expressed in different tissues of mammalians.  .
In: Springer eBooksSummary: The annual Evolutionary Biology Meetings in Marseilles serve to gather leading scientists, promote the exchange of ideas and encourage the formation of international collaborations. This book contains the most essential contributions presented at the 14th Evolutionary Biology Meeting, which took place in September 2010. It comprises 19 chapters organized according to the following categories: ·         Evolutionary Biology Concepts ·         Biodiversity and Evolution ·         Macroevolution ·         Genome Evolution Offering an up-to-date overview of recent results in the field of evolutionary biology, this book is an invaluable source of information for scientists, teachers and advanced students.
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Site-specific self-catalyzed DNA depurination, the basis of a spontaneous mutagenic mechanism of wide evolutionary significance -- Stochastic processes driving directional -- Evolution of self-fertile hermaphrodite -- Insights into eukaryotic interacting protein evolution -- Integration of evolutionary biology concepts for functional annotation and automation of complex researches in evolution: the multi-agents software system DAGOBAH -- A new animal model for merging ecology and evolution -- Rapid evolution of simple microbial communities in the laboratory -- Use of paleontological and phylogenetic data in comparative and paleobiological analyses : a few recent developments -- Seasonal flowering and evolution: will plant species be under stress from global warming?- The emergence of cellular complexity at the dawn of the eukaryotes: reconstructing the endomembrane system with in silico and function -- Neurophilogeny-retracing early metazoan brain evolution -- A new early Cambrian lobopod-bearing animal (Murero, Spain) and the problem of the ecdysozoan early diversification -- Genomic perspectives on the long-term absence of sexual reproduction in animals -- Evolutionary constraint on DNA shape in the human genome -- Evolution of fungi and their respiratory metabolism -- Genome structure and gene expression variation in plant mitochondria, particularly in the genus Silene -- Evolutionary dynamics and genomic impact of prokaryote transposable elements -- Transposable elements in a marginal population of Aegilops  speltoides: temporal fluctuations provide new insights into genome evolution of wild diploid wheat -- Analysis of the conservative motifs in promoters of miRNA genes, expressed in different tissues of mammalians -- Analysis of the conservative motifs in promoters of miRNA genes, expressed in different tissues of mammalians.  .

The annual Evolutionary Biology Meetings in Marseilles serve to gather leading scientists, promote the exchange of ideas and encourage the formation of international collaborations. This book contains the most essential contributions presented at the 14th Evolutionary Biology Meeting, which took place in September 2010. It comprises 19 chapters organized according to the following categories: ·         Evolutionary Biology Concepts ·         Biodiversity and Evolution ·         Macroevolution ·         Genome Evolution Offering an up-to-date overview of recent results in the field of evolutionary biology, this book is an invaluable source of information for scientists, teachers and advanced students.

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