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Outer Space in Society, Politics and Law [electronic resource] /edited by Christian Brünner, Alexander Soucek.

by Brünner, Christian [editor.]; Soucek, Alexander [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Studies in Space Policy: 8Publisher: Vienna : Springer Vienna : 2011.Description: XXI, 876 p. online resource.ISBN: 9783709106648.Subject(s): Law | Law | Law of the Sea, Air and Outer SpaceDDC classification: 341.4 | 341 Online resources: Click here to access online
Preface of the Editors -- Preface of the Editor of the Series “Studies in Space Policy” -- Part 1: Outer space – A fascinating issue -- 1.1 Introductory remarks -- 1.2 Fascination from the beginning of mankind -- 1.3 Reasons for space activities -- 1.4 A short chronology of spaceflight -- Part 2: Outer space – A “real” issue -- 2.1 Dimensions of space activities -- 2.2 Space – a natural resource -- 2.3 Exploration and utilisation of space -- 2.4 Space faring: A short overview of the present situation -- 2.5 Cooperation in Space -- 2.6 Institutional Aspects -- Part 3: Outer space – A legal issue -- 3.1 Origins of space law and the role of the United Nations -- 3.2 Space law – An independent branch of the legal system -- 3.3 Comparable Regulations -- 3.4 Level of regulation / Sources of space law -- 3.5 Space Law – An analysis of its development and its future -- Part 4: “Hot” issues and their handling -- 4.1 The privatization and commercialisation of outer space -- 4.2 Space and security -- 4.3 Space and sustainability: Improving life on Earth -- 4.4 Space and its sustainable uses -- 4.5 Soft law -- 4.6 International aspects of technology controls -- 4.7 Data policies: A survey of principles and trends -- 4.8 International space law and developing countries -- Part 5: Outer Space – Opportunities for Austria -- 5.1 History -- 5.2 Activities and Trends -- 5.3 Changes on the horizon -- Annex: Spaceflight – Time line of key events -- Links -- Selected Books and Journals on Space Law -- Authors (short biographies) -- Abbreviations -- Index.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Spaceflight is a rational undertaking, yet full of emotions. It is a dream of mankind and a multi-billion industry likewise. It is subject to a distinct branch of law – and moreover part of modern pop culture. In short: spaceflight is fascinating. “Outer Space in society, politics and law” is an inter-disciplinary approach to the understanding of modern space law. Technical, cultural and historical aspects lay the foundation for a sound comprehension why space law norms have been established and what they mean in practice. The reader will realize the impact space and spaceflight have on society – from Stonehenge to climate change. A new approach to presenting space law: comprehensive and illustrative.     “We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. That's a clear prescription for disaster.” Carl Sagan
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Preface of the Editors -- Preface of the Editor of the Series “Studies in Space Policy” -- Part 1: Outer space – A fascinating issue -- 1.1 Introductory remarks -- 1.2 Fascination from the beginning of mankind -- 1.3 Reasons for space activities -- 1.4 A short chronology of spaceflight -- Part 2: Outer space – A “real” issue -- 2.1 Dimensions of space activities -- 2.2 Space – a natural resource -- 2.3 Exploration and utilisation of space -- 2.4 Space faring: A short overview of the present situation -- 2.5 Cooperation in Space -- 2.6 Institutional Aspects -- Part 3: Outer space – A legal issue -- 3.1 Origins of space law and the role of the United Nations -- 3.2 Space law – An independent branch of the legal system -- 3.3 Comparable Regulations -- 3.4 Level of regulation / Sources of space law -- 3.5 Space Law – An analysis of its development and its future -- Part 4: “Hot” issues and their handling -- 4.1 The privatization and commercialisation of outer space -- 4.2 Space and security -- 4.3 Space and sustainability: Improving life on Earth -- 4.4 Space and its sustainable uses -- 4.5 Soft law -- 4.6 International aspects of technology controls -- 4.7 Data policies: A survey of principles and trends -- 4.8 International space law and developing countries -- Part 5: Outer Space – Opportunities for Austria -- 5.1 History -- 5.2 Activities and Trends -- 5.3 Changes on the horizon -- Annex: Spaceflight – Time line of key events -- Links -- Selected Books and Journals on Space Law -- Authors (short biographies) -- Abbreviations -- Index.

Spaceflight is a rational undertaking, yet full of emotions. It is a dream of mankind and a multi-billion industry likewise. It is subject to a distinct branch of law – and moreover part of modern pop culture. In short: spaceflight is fascinating. “Outer Space in society, politics and law” is an inter-disciplinary approach to the understanding of modern space law. Technical, cultural and historical aspects lay the foundation for a sound comprehension why space law norms have been established and what they mean in practice. The reader will realize the impact space and spaceflight have on society – from Stonehenge to climate change. A new approach to presenting space law: comprehensive and illustrative.     “We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. That's a clear prescription for disaster.” Carl Sagan

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