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Knowledge Enterprise: Intelligent Strategies in Product Design, Manufacturing, and Management [electronic resource] :Proceedings of PROLAMAT 2006, IFIP TC5 International Conference, June 15–17, 2006, Shanghai, China / edited by Kesheng Wang, George L. Kovacs, Michael Wozny, Minglun Fang.

by Wang, Kesheng [editor.]; Kovacs, George L [editor.]; Wozny, Michael [editor.]; Fang, Minglun [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing: 207Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2006.Description: XXI, 1046 p. online resource.ISBN: 9780387344034.Subject(s): Computer science | Computer hardware | Computer aided design | Computer Science | Computer Hardware | Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD, CAE) and Design | Computer Science, generalDDC classification: 004 Online resources: Click here to access online
Data Mining in Manufacturing: the Nature and Implications -- Digital Processes in Product Creation -- Collaborative Networks -- Integrated Quality Information System and China Experience -- Evaluation Model of Mnes' Knowledge Flow Management -- DSM as a Knowledge Capture Tool in CODE Environment -- Enterprise Knowledge Management Based on PLONE Content Management System -- Knowledge Management for Process Planning -- Neural Network System for Knowledge Discovery in Distributed Heterogeneous Data -- A Study on Product Optimization Design Based on Genetic Algorithms -- Design of the Body Frame of a Rail Detector -- The Spatial Shape Representation and 3D Modeling of Special-Shape Spring -- Product Robust Design with A Mixture of Random and Interval Factors -- The Designation of Cam's Contour for Pistom Pump with Steady Flux -- Parallel Sequence Alignment Algorithm for Clustering System -- Study of Data Mining Technique in Colliery Equipments Fault Diagnosis -- A Multi-Agent System Framework for Supply Chain Management Under District Alliance Setting -- Data Management in Group Purchasing System -- Development of a Decentralized Logistics Controlling Concept -- Effect and Effect Chain in Functional Design -- Study on Integrating Application Method for AD and TRIZ -- Computer Aided Innovation of Crankshafts Using Genetic Algorithms -- Research on CNC Technology Based on CAD and CAPP -- Nozzle Design and Assistant-Gas Flow Analysis in the Co2 Laser Cutting -- Research and Implementation of Quality Management System in ERP.-Modeling Technology and Application of Repairing Bone Defects Based on Rapid Prototyping -- A Unified Decision Model for Evaluation and Selection of MES Software.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: This volume contains the edited version of the technical presentations of PROLMAT 2006, the IFIP TC5 international conference held on June 15-17, 2006 at the Shanghai University in China. The main theme of this conference is Knowledge Enterprise – Intelligent Strategies in Product Design, Manufacturing and Management. These proceedings focus on the issue of how to translate data and information into knowledge in manufacturing enterprises. These papers, authored by experts from around the world, aim to bridge the gap between academic research and the implementation of information technology in industry. They cover a wide range of applications, including theory, architecture, methodology, implementation, and case study. Special topics include: Knowledge Discovery and Management in Manufacturing Manufacturing Business Intelligence and Data Mining Product Life Cycles Production Management Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Kesheng Wang is a professor and director of the Knowledge Discovery Laboratory at the Department of Production and Quality Engineering, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. He is the author of more than 130 papers referred to in international journals and conferences, and also the author of 13 books. His current areas of interest are Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Applied Computational Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Mining and Knowledge Management. George L. Kovacs is a professor and head of the CIM Research Laboratory at the Computer and Automation Institute and Technical University of Budapest, Hungary. His research interests include CAD/CAM/CIM, Intelligent Manufacturing, and Virtual Enterprises. Michael J. Wozny is a professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA. Minglun Fang is a professor and head of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Mechanical Automation and Robotics at Shanghai University. For more information about the 300 other books in the IFIP series, please visit For more information about IFIP, please visit
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Data Mining in Manufacturing: the Nature and Implications -- Digital Processes in Product Creation -- Collaborative Networks -- Integrated Quality Information System and China Experience -- Evaluation Model of Mnes' Knowledge Flow Management -- DSM as a Knowledge Capture Tool in CODE Environment -- Enterprise Knowledge Management Based on PLONE Content Management System -- Knowledge Management for Process Planning -- Neural Network System for Knowledge Discovery in Distributed Heterogeneous Data -- A Study on Product Optimization Design Based on Genetic Algorithms -- Design of the Body Frame of a Rail Detector -- The Spatial Shape Representation and 3D Modeling of Special-Shape Spring -- Product Robust Design with A Mixture of Random and Interval Factors -- The Designation of Cam's Contour for Pistom Pump with Steady Flux -- Parallel Sequence Alignment Algorithm for Clustering System -- Study of Data Mining Technique in Colliery Equipments Fault Diagnosis -- A Multi-Agent System Framework for Supply Chain Management Under District Alliance Setting -- Data Management in Group Purchasing System -- Development of a Decentralized Logistics Controlling Concept -- Effect and Effect Chain in Functional Design -- Study on Integrating Application Method for AD and TRIZ -- Computer Aided Innovation of Crankshafts Using Genetic Algorithms -- Research on CNC Technology Based on CAD and CAPP -- Nozzle Design and Assistant-Gas Flow Analysis in the Co2 Laser Cutting -- Research and Implementation of Quality Management System in ERP.-Modeling Technology and Application of Repairing Bone Defects Based on Rapid Prototyping -- A Unified Decision Model for Evaluation and Selection of MES Software.

This volume contains the edited version of the technical presentations of PROLMAT 2006, the IFIP TC5 international conference held on June 15-17, 2006 at the Shanghai University in China. The main theme of this conference is Knowledge Enterprise – Intelligent Strategies in Product Design, Manufacturing and Management. These proceedings focus on the issue of how to translate data and information into knowledge in manufacturing enterprises. These papers, authored by experts from around the world, aim to bridge the gap between academic research and the implementation of information technology in industry. They cover a wide range of applications, including theory, architecture, methodology, implementation, and case study. Special topics include: Knowledge Discovery and Management in Manufacturing Manufacturing Business Intelligence and Data Mining Product Life Cycles Production Management Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Kesheng Wang is a professor and director of the Knowledge Discovery Laboratory at the Department of Production and Quality Engineering, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. He is the author of more than 130 papers referred to in international journals and conferences, and also the author of 13 books. His current areas of interest are Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Applied Computational Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Mining and Knowledge Management. George L. Kovacs is a professor and head of the CIM Research Laboratory at the Computer and Automation Institute and Technical University of Budapest, Hungary. His research interests include CAD/CAM/CIM, Intelligent Manufacturing, and Virtual Enterprises. Michael J. Wozny is a professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA. Minglun Fang is a professor and head of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Mechanical Automation and Robotics at Shanghai University. For more information about the 300 other books in the IFIP series, please visit For more information about IFIP, please visit

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