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New Perspectives on Aloe [electronic resource] /edited by Young In Park, Seung Ki Lee.

by Park, Young In [editor.]; Lee, Seung Ki [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2006.Description: X, 200 p. 85 illus. including 16 color plates. online resource.ISBN: 9780387346366.Subject(s): Medicine | Toxicology | Biomedicine | Pharmacology/ToxicologyDDC classification: 615 Online resources: Click here to access online
Overview of Aloe study -- Overview of Aloe study -- The history of Aloe -- The history of Aloe -- Chemical components of Aloe and its analysis -- An epitome of chemical components and low molecular compounds -- Proteins in Aloe -- Carbohydrates -- Efficacy of Aloe -- Wound healing effect -- Angiogenic effect -- Anti-allergic responses -- Skin whitening effect -- Cell growth-stimulating effect -- Protective effect on nephrotoxicity -- Immunomodulatory activity -- Quality control and standardization of Aloe products -- Quality control and standardization of Aloe products -- Perspective of industrial application of Aloe vera -- Perspective of industrial application of Aloe vera.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: New Perspectives on Aloe will cover research studies of aloe by the CAP (Creation Aloe Pharmaceuticals) team, which studied various aspects of aloe over a period of more than 10 years. The team was organized into two groups: the isolation and analysis group, which purified many components in terms of low molecular weight compounds, carbohydrates, proteins present in aloe, and the assay group, which determined the efficacy of those components. This type of target-oriented, organized research provides a model of how to conduct multidisciplinary research. The contents include a brief introduction of aloe, isolation, purification, and structural analysis of components, and various physiological effects of those components for possible use as health foods or drugs. Various functions identified were wound healing, angiogenesis, anti-allergy, skin whitening, stimulation of cell proliferation such as liver or kidney, protection against nephrotoxicity, and immune modulation. Moreover, we suggest standardization and quality control procedures for manufacturing raw aloe, and how to develop related products for successful application of aloe. This is important in Korea because last year the Korean government listed aloe as a health food for which the government establishes regulatory laws. Therefore, many scientists in Korea who are interested in studying health foods would be interested in this kind of text. Other major fields related to this kind of research will be medicine, biology, pharmaceutics, natural products and analytics.
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Overview of Aloe study -- Overview of Aloe study -- The history of Aloe -- The history of Aloe -- Chemical components of Aloe and its analysis -- An epitome of chemical components and low molecular compounds -- Proteins in Aloe -- Carbohydrates -- Efficacy of Aloe -- Wound healing effect -- Angiogenic effect -- Anti-allergic responses -- Skin whitening effect -- Cell growth-stimulating effect -- Protective effect on nephrotoxicity -- Immunomodulatory activity -- Quality control and standardization of Aloe products -- Quality control and standardization of Aloe products -- Perspective of industrial application of Aloe vera -- Perspective of industrial application of Aloe vera.

New Perspectives on Aloe will cover research studies of aloe by the CAP (Creation Aloe Pharmaceuticals) team, which studied various aspects of aloe over a period of more than 10 years. The team was organized into two groups: the isolation and analysis group, which purified many components in terms of low molecular weight compounds, carbohydrates, proteins present in aloe, and the assay group, which determined the efficacy of those components. This type of target-oriented, organized research provides a model of how to conduct multidisciplinary research. The contents include a brief introduction of aloe, isolation, purification, and structural analysis of components, and various physiological effects of those components for possible use as health foods or drugs. Various functions identified were wound healing, angiogenesis, anti-allergy, skin whitening, stimulation of cell proliferation such as liver or kidney, protection against nephrotoxicity, and immune modulation. Moreover, we suggest standardization and quality control procedures for manufacturing raw aloe, and how to develop related products for successful application of aloe. This is important in Korea because last year the Korean government listed aloe as a health food for which the government establishes regulatory laws. Therefore, many scientists in Korea who are interested in studying health foods would be interested in this kind of text. Other major fields related to this kind of research will be medicine, biology, pharmaceutics, natural products and analytics.

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