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Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences [electronic resource] /by Anastasios A. Tsonis, James B. Elsner.

by Tsonis, Anastasios A [author.]; Elsner, James B [author.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York, NY : Springer New York, 2007.Description: online resource.ISBN: 9780387349183.Subject(s): Meteorology | Physics | Engineering | Ecology | Geosciences | Math. Applications in Geosciences | Complexity | Environmental Monitoring/Analysis | Meteorology/Climatology | Geoecology/Natural ProcessesOnline resources: Click here to access online
Introducing Networks in Climate Studies -- Two Paradigms in Landscape Dynamics: Self-Similar Processes and Emergence -- Effects of Systematic and Random Errors on the Spatial Scaling Properties in Radar-Estimated Rainfall -- Nonlinear Dynamics in the Earth’s Magnetosphere -- Microseism Activity and Equilibrium Fluctuations -- An Exponential Langevin-type Model for Rainfall Exhibiting Spatial and Temporal Scaling -- Storm Tracking and Ensemble Prediction -- Towards a Nonlinear Geophysical Theory of Floods in River Networks: An Overview of 20 Years of Progress -- Investigations of Wave-induced Nonlinear Response of Minor Species with the KBM Averaging Method -- ENSO Signal Propagation Detected by Wavelet Coherence and Mean Phase Coherence Methods -- 25 Years of Nonlinearity in Oceanography from the Lagrangian Perspective -- Self-Scaling of the Statistical Properties of a Minimal Model of the Atmospheric Circulation -- Hindcast AGCM Experiments on the Predictability of Stratospheric Sudden Warming -- Self Organized Criticality and/or Low Dimensional Chaos in Earthquake Processes: Theory and Practice in Hellenic Region -- Analysis of Nonlinear Biophysical Time Series in Aquatic Environments: Scaling Properties and Empirical Mode Decomposition -- The Arctic Ocean as a Coupled Oscillating System to the Forced 18.6 Year Lunar Gravity Cycle -- Dynamical synchronization of truth and model as an approach to data assimilation, parameter estimation, and model learning -- Scale, Scaling and Multifractals in Geophysics: Twenty Years on -- Statistics of Return Intervals and Extreme Events in Long-term Correlated Time Series -- Statistical Properties of Mid-latitude Atmospheric Variability -- On the Spatiotemporal Variability of the Temperature Anomaly Field -- Time Evolution of the Fractal Dimension of Electric Self-Potential Time Series -- Diffusion Entropy Analysis in Seismicity -- Snow Avalanches as a Non-critical, Punctuated Equilibrium System -- Evidence from Wavelet Lag Coherence for Negligible Solar Forcing of Climate at Multi-year and Decadal Periods -- From Diversity to Volatility: Probability of Daily Precipitation Extremes -- Stochastic Linear Models of Nonlinear Geosystems -- Reducing Forecast Uncertainty to Understand Atmospheric Flow Transitions -- The Role of El Niño—Southern Oscillation in Regulating its Background State -- Nonlinear Dynamics of Natural Hazards -- Predicting the Multifractal Geomagnetic Field.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences is comprised of the proceedings of "20 Years of Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences", held June 11-16, 2006 in Rhodes, Greece as part of the Aegean Conferences. The volume brings together the most up-to-date research from the atmospheric sciences, hydrology, geology, and other areas of geosciences, and discusses the advances made in the last two decades and the future directions of nonlinear dynamics. Topics covered include predictability, ensemble prediction, nonlinear prediction, nonlinear time series analysis, low-dimensional chaos, nonlinear modeling, fractals and multifractals, bifurcation, complex networks, self-organized criticality, extreme events, and other aspects of nonlinear science. About the Editors: Dr. Anastasios Tsonis is Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI, USA. Dr. James Elsner is Professor in the Department of Geography at Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
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Introducing Networks in Climate Studies -- Two Paradigms in Landscape Dynamics: Self-Similar Processes and Emergence -- Effects of Systematic and Random Errors on the Spatial Scaling Properties in Radar-Estimated Rainfall -- Nonlinear Dynamics in the Earth’s Magnetosphere -- Microseism Activity and Equilibrium Fluctuations -- An Exponential Langevin-type Model for Rainfall Exhibiting Spatial and Temporal Scaling -- Storm Tracking and Ensemble Prediction -- Towards a Nonlinear Geophysical Theory of Floods in River Networks: An Overview of 20 Years of Progress -- Investigations of Wave-induced Nonlinear Response of Minor Species with the KBM Averaging Method -- ENSO Signal Propagation Detected by Wavelet Coherence and Mean Phase Coherence Methods -- 25 Years of Nonlinearity in Oceanography from the Lagrangian Perspective -- Self-Scaling of the Statistical Properties of a Minimal Model of the Atmospheric Circulation -- Hindcast AGCM Experiments on the Predictability of Stratospheric Sudden Warming -- Self Organized Criticality and/or Low Dimensional Chaos in Earthquake Processes: Theory and Practice in Hellenic Region -- Analysis of Nonlinear Biophysical Time Series in Aquatic Environments: Scaling Properties and Empirical Mode Decomposition -- The Arctic Ocean as a Coupled Oscillating System to the Forced 18.6 Year Lunar Gravity Cycle -- Dynamical synchronization of truth and model as an approach to data assimilation, parameter estimation, and model learning -- Scale, Scaling and Multifractals in Geophysics: Twenty Years on -- Statistics of Return Intervals and Extreme Events in Long-term Correlated Time Series -- Statistical Properties of Mid-latitude Atmospheric Variability -- On the Spatiotemporal Variability of the Temperature Anomaly Field -- Time Evolution of the Fractal Dimension of Electric Self-Potential Time Series -- Diffusion Entropy Analysis in Seismicity -- Snow Avalanches as a Non-critical, Punctuated Equilibrium System -- Evidence from Wavelet Lag Coherence for Negligible Solar Forcing of Climate at Multi-year and Decadal Periods -- From Diversity to Volatility: Probability of Daily Precipitation Extremes -- Stochastic Linear Models of Nonlinear Geosystems -- Reducing Forecast Uncertainty to Understand Atmospheric Flow Transitions -- The Role of El Niño—Southern Oscillation in Regulating its Background State -- Nonlinear Dynamics of Natural Hazards -- Predicting the Multifractal Geomagnetic Field.

Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences is comprised of the proceedings of "20 Years of Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences", held June 11-16, 2006 in Rhodes, Greece as part of the Aegean Conferences. The volume brings together the most up-to-date research from the atmospheric sciences, hydrology, geology, and other areas of geosciences, and discusses the advances made in the last two decades and the future directions of nonlinear dynamics. Topics covered include predictability, ensemble prediction, nonlinear prediction, nonlinear time series analysis, low-dimensional chaos, nonlinear modeling, fractals and multifractals, bifurcation, complex networks, self-organized criticality, extreme events, and other aspects of nonlinear science. About the Editors: Dr. Anastasios Tsonis is Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI, USA. Dr. James Elsner is Professor in the Department of Geography at Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA.

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