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Applied Signal Processing [electronic resource] :A MATLAB™-Based Proof of Concept / by Thierry Dutoit, Ferran Marqués.

by Dutoit, Thierry [author.]; Marqués, Ferran [author.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boston, MA : Springer US : 2009.Description: XXIV, 456 p. online resource.ISBN: 9780387745350.Subject(s): Engineering | Computer engineering | Electronics | Telecommunication | Engineering | Signal, Image and Speech Processing | Communications Engineering, Networks | Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation | Electrical EngineeringDDC classification: 621.382 Online resources: Click here to access online
How is Speech Processed in a Cell Phone Conversation? -- How are Bits Played Back from and Audio CD? -- How is Sound Processed in a MP3 Player? -- How Does a Dictation Machine Recognize Continuous Speech? -- How Does an Audio Effects Processor Perform Pitch Shifting? -- How Can Marine Biologists Track Sperm Whales in the Oceans? -- How Could Music Contain Hidden Information? -- How are Digital Images Compressed in the Web? -- How Are Digital TV Programs Compressed to Allow Broadcasting? -- How Does Digital Cinema Compress Images? -- How Can Physicians Quantify Brain Degeneration?.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: This is a project-oriented laboratory book with online supplementary files focused on digital signal processing (DSP) for students, instructors and professionals. The authors provide eleven large and detailed projects which take the reader through the essentials of signal processing applications. Included are MATLAB codes which are fully commented on for developing working proofs of concepts. The accompanying online material together with the text directly integrates theory into practice. The eleven projects include speech coding for cell phones, understanding brain scan imaging, how MP3 players compress the data rate of audio CDs, embedding private information in music without detection, and much more. Applied Signal Processing: A MATLAB™-Based Proof of Concept allows readers to benefit from the experience and expertise of professionals, researchers, and instructors in a variety of applied signal processing related fields, presented in a project framework. It is ideal for lecture and laboratory courses, and the subject matter is compatible for use along with most standard textbooks.
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TA1637-1638 (Browse shelf) Available
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How is Speech Processed in a Cell Phone Conversation? -- How are Bits Played Back from and Audio CD? -- How is Sound Processed in a MP3 Player? -- How Does a Dictation Machine Recognize Continuous Speech? -- How Does an Audio Effects Processor Perform Pitch Shifting? -- How Can Marine Biologists Track Sperm Whales in the Oceans? -- How Could Music Contain Hidden Information? -- How are Digital Images Compressed in the Web? -- How Are Digital TV Programs Compressed to Allow Broadcasting? -- How Does Digital Cinema Compress Images? -- How Can Physicians Quantify Brain Degeneration?.

This is a project-oriented laboratory book with online supplementary files focused on digital signal processing (DSP) for students, instructors and professionals. The authors provide eleven large and detailed projects which take the reader through the essentials of signal processing applications. Included are MATLAB codes which are fully commented on for developing working proofs of concepts. The accompanying online material together with the text directly integrates theory into practice. The eleven projects include speech coding for cell phones, understanding brain scan imaging, how MP3 players compress the data rate of audio CDs, embedding private information in music without detection, and much more. Applied Signal Processing: A MATLAB™-Based Proof of Concept allows readers to benefit from the experience and expertise of professionals, researchers, and instructors in a variety of applied signal processing related fields, presented in a project framework. It is ideal for lecture and laboratory courses, and the subject matter is compatible for use along with most standard textbooks.

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