The Glaucoma Book [electronic resource] :A Practical, Evidence-Based Approach to Patient Care / edited by Paul N. Schacknow, John R. Samples.
by Schacknow, Paul N [editor.]; Samples, John R [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type:
Springer eBooksSummary: The Glaucoma Book is both a comprehensive academic work with evidence-based science and exhaustive bibliographies, and an everyday, pragmatic guide for general ophthalmologists, optometrists, and resident physicians who need immediate answers while examining patients. Its 92 chapters and 38 sidebar essays range from conventional topics (e.g., open angle glaucoma, pigmentary dispersion syndrome, pediatric glaucomas) to those that have not previously appeared in a glaucoma text (e.g., medical-legal aspects of glaucoma care, doing community-based glaucoma research). Diagnostic tests and instrumentation, current and possible future medical therapies, and traditional and cutting-edge surgical interventions are thoroughly explored. The contributors come from well-known academic institutions and high-volume community based glaucoma practices. Photos, illustrations, and tables are sprinkled liberally throughout the book. The Glaucoma Book embodies the art and science of caring for glaucoma patients. Unique features not found in other texts include: *extensive sidebar essays by experts exploring cutting-edge subtopics within chapters *latest laser treatments for glaucoma, including micro-diode and titanium sapphire trabeculoplasty, as well as external laser approaches and reduction of intraocular pressure by applying laser to the pars plana *comprehensive coverage of the optic nerve, including thorough discussion of the importance of the nerve fiber layer hemorrhages *neuro-ophthalmological considerations, diagnostic procedures (e.g., MRI, CT), and other optic neuropathies to consider when examining the glaucoma patient *combination of clinical science and basic science with expert commentary on the frontiers of future medical and surgical therapies that are likely to emerge for patient care *an integrated approach to neovascular glaucoma, merging treatment from the anterior segment to the retina, the use of new anti-VEGF drugs, and the use of tubes and shunts to achieve the best surgical outcome *exceptional advice on how to deal with the complications of various glaucoma surgeries by leading clinicians, as well as an outstanding chapter on trabeculectomy techniques for the general ophthalmologist *the best written overview of visual fields in glaucoma bar none *a complete description of a comprehensive office-based examination of the glaucoma patient, including clinical pearls (e.g., gonioscopy, visual field analysis, digital image analysis (OCT, GDx, HRT) , optic nerve photography) *contemporary issues and controversies about the importance of intraocular pressure (IOP) *the drug development process--what really goes on at the FDA to bring new glaucoma medications from the lab bench to clinical use--and how the community-based practices can participate. In short, this is the one book on glaucoma that no general eyecare physician who sees glaucoma patients can afford to be without. It is loaded with pearls and practical advice by expert, experienced clinicians and scientists, while firmly grounded in a scientific view of the disease.
The Basics -- Glaucoma in the Twenty-First Century -- An Evidence-Based Approach to Glaucoma Care -- Glaucoma Risk Factors: Intraocular Pressure -- Glaucoma Risk Factors: Fluctuations in Intraocular Pressure -- Glaucoma is a 24/7 Disease -- Continuous Monitoring of Intraocular Pressure -- Aqueous Veins and Open Angle Glaucoma -- Glaucoma Risk Factors: The Cornea -- Glaucoma Risk Factors: Family History – The Genetics of Glaucoma -- Glaucoma Risk Factors: Ethnicity and Glaucoma -- Glaucoma Risk Factors: Ocular Blood Flow -- Glaucoma Risk Factors: Sleep Apnea and Glaucoma -- Evaluating Ophthalmic Literature -- Indications for Therapy -- The Examination -- Clinical Examination of the Optic Nerve -- Clinical Cupping: Laminar and Prelaminar Components -- Disc Hemorrhages and Glaucoma -- Some Lessons from the Disc Appearance in the Open Angle Glaucomas -- Evaluating the Optic Nerve for Glaucomatous Progression -- Digital Imaging of the Optic Nerve -- Clinical Utility of Computerized Optic Nerve Analysis -- Photography of the Optic Nerve -- Detecting Functional Changes in the Patient’s Vision: Visual Field Analysis -- Using Electroretinography for Glaucoma Diagnosis -- Glaucomatous Versus Nonglaucomatous Visual Loss: The Neuro-Ophthalmic Perspective -- Gonioscopy -- Beyond Gonioscopy: Digital Imaging of the Anterior Segment -- Office Examination of the Glaucoma Patient -- Glaucoma and Driving -- Electronic Medical Records in the Glaucoma Practice -- Advanced Glaucoma and Low Vision: Evaluation and Treatment -- Glaucoma and Medical Insurance: Billing and Coding Issues -- Medical Legal Considerations When Treating Glaucoma Patients -- The Glaucomas -- Primary Open Angle Glaucoma -- Normal Pressure Glaucoma -- Primary and Secondary Angle-Closure Glaucomas -- Malignant Glaucoma (Posterior Aqueous Diversion Syndrome) -- Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome and Glaucoma -- Exfoliation Syndrome and Glaucoma -- Neovascular Glaucoma -- Inflammatory Disease and Glaucoma -- Posner–Schlossman Syndrome -- Fuchs’ Uveitis Syndrome and Glaucoma -- Herpes Simplex Related Glaucoma -- Herpes Zoster Related Glaucoma -- Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome and Glaucoma -- Ghost Cell Glaucoma -- Fuchs’ Endothelial Dystrophy and Glaucoma -- Ocular Trauma and Glaucoma -- Infantile, Childhood, and Juvenile Glaucomas -- The Medical Treatment -- Medications Used to Treat Glaucoma -- Choosing Adjunctive Glaucoma Therapy -- Monocular Drug Trials for Glaucoma Therapy in the Community Setting -- Neuroprotection of Retinal Ganglion Cells -- Compliance and Adherence: Lifelong Therapy for Glaucoma -- Alternative and Non-traditional Treatments of Glaucoma -- Intravitreal Steroids and Glaucoma -- Pregnancy and Glaucoma -- Systemic Side Effects of Glaucoma Medications -- Systemic Diseases and Glaucoma -- The Surgical Treatment -- Laser Therapies: Iridotomy, Iridoplasty, and Trabeculoplasty -- Laser Iridoplasty Techniques for Narrow Angles and Plateau Iris Syndrome -- Laser Therapies: Cyclodestructive Procedures -- Laser Therapies: Newer Technologies -- Incisional Therapies: Trabeculectomy Surgery -- Incisional Therapies: Trabeculotomy Surgery in Adults -- Incisional Therapies: Canaloplasty and New Implant Devices -- Incisional Therapies: Shunts and Valved Implants -- Incisional Therapies: What’s on the Horizon? -- Incisional Therapies: Complications of Glaucoma Surgery -- Amniotic Membrane Grafts for Glaucoma Surgery -- Treating Choroidal Effusions After Glaucoma Surgery -- Cyclodialysis Clefts: Surgical and Traumatic -- Epithelial Downgrowth -- Penetrating Keratoplasty and Glaucoma -- Descemet’s Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSEK) and Glaucoma -- Cataract and Glaucoma Surgery -- Cataract Extraction as Treatment for Acute and Chronic Angle Closure Glaucomas -- Refractive Surgery and Glaucoma -- Glaucoma after Retinal Surgery -- The Future -- Immunology and Glaucoma -- How the Revolution in Cell Biology Will Affect Glaucoma: Biomarkers -- CD44 and Primary Open Angle Glaucoma -- Stem Cells and Glaucoma -- Cytoskeletal Active Agents for Glaucoma Therapy -- The Drug Discovery Process: How Do New Glaucoma Medications Come to Market? -- Glaucoma Clinical Research in the Community Setting -- Future Glaucoma Medical Therapies: What’s in the Pipeline? -- Anecortave Acetate: A New Approach for the Medical Treatment of Glaucoma -- Future Glaucoma Instrumentation: Diagnostic and Therapeutic -- What Really Causes Glaucoma? -- The Glaucoma Book: What Do We Know Now, What Do We Need to Know About Glaucoma?.
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