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Spectroscopy of Emerging Materials [electronic resource] /edited by Eric C. Faulques, Dale L. Perry, Andrei V. Yeremenko.

by Faulques, Eric C [editor.]; Perry, Dale L [editor.]; Yeremenko, Andrei V [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry: 165Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2005.Description: XI, 414 p. online resource.ISBN: 9781402023965.Subject(s): Chemistry | Chemistry, Physical organic | Polymers | Condensed matter | Chemistry | Physical Chemistry | Condensed Matter | Polymer SciencesDDC classification: 541 Online resources: Click here to access online
Probing Works of Art with Photons and Charged Particles -- Applications of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Materials Science -- Structural Studies of Bio- and Related Materials Using Synchrotron Radiation -- Advances in Spectroscopy of Subthreshold Inelastic Radiation-Induced Processes in Cryocrystals -- Progress on Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials -- Photoelectrons Spectroscopy of Organized Organic Thin Films -- Growth of Silicon Nanoclusters -- Progress in Light Emission from Silicon Nanostructures -- Nanoscale Random Spin-Orbit Coupling in Low-Dimensional Structures -- Raman and Sers Studies of Carbon Nanotubes -- Noncovalent Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Biological Application: Raman and Nir Absorption Spectroscopy -- Peculiarities for Luminescence in Systems with Fullerene C60-Water Interface -- Photoluminescence and Structure of Fullerite C60 Intercalated with Helium -- Influence of Static and Microwave Magnetic Fields on Photogeneration of Free Charge Carriers in Donor-Acceptor Complex TBPDA·(C60)2 -- Light Scattering of Magnets in the Proximity to Quantum Criticality -- Giant Phonon Softening in Ferro-Magnetic Lamno3+? -- Raman Studies of Single and Polycrystalline Cobaltatites GdBaCo2O5+? with ? Close to 0.5 -- Phonons and magnons in La5/3Sr1/3NiO4 single crystal -- High-resolution infrared spectroscopy of low-dimensional magnetic oxides -- Magnetic Resonance in Low Doped Cu1?xMxGeO3 with Different Type of 3D AFM Ordering -- High-Field Esr Spectroscopy of Low-Dimensional Quantum Spin Systems -- Metal-Organic Complexes of CU (II): Ground State and Exchange Interactions in Magnetic Subsystem -- Solid-State NMR Studies of Novel Porous Solids: Structure and Dynamics -- Point-Contact Spectroscopy of Two-Band Superconductor MgB2 -- Modern Approaches in Point-Contact Spectroscopy and Their Application to Probe Nanoclusters in Mesoscopic Materials -- Infrared and Raman Spectra of Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Hexahydrate (Struvite) and Its Isomorphous Analogues -- Transport, Magnetic and Optical Properties of a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Metal Based on BEDO-TTF (Bis-(Ethylenedioxy) Tetrathiafulvalene) -- Spectral and Electrophysical Properties of Anion-Radical Salts of TCNQ and Methyl-TCNQ with N-Alkylpirazinium Cations -- New Development of Impedance Spectroscopy -- The Scaled Quantum-Mechanical Force Field -- Vibration-Induced Excited State Decay -- Advances in Time-Resolved Spectroscopy -- Linear and Nonlinear Light Scattering by Emerging Materials -- Development of Tomography Using Femtosecond Infrared Laser : Imaging of Biological Tissues.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: A comprehensive discussion of the key role of modern spectroscopic investigations in interdisciplinary materials science and engineering, covering emerging materials that are either absolutely novel or well-known materials with recently discovered, exciting properties. The types of spectroscopy discussed include optical, electronic and magnetic, UV-visible absorption, Rayleigh scattering, photoluminescence, vibrational, magnetic resonance, electron energy loss, EXAFS, XANES, optical tomography, time-resolved spectroscopy, and point contact spectroscopy. The materials studied are highly topical, with a focus on carbon and silicon nanomaterials including nanotubes, fullerenes, nanoclusters, metallic superconducting phases, molecular materials, magnetic and charge-stripe oxides, and biomaterials. Theoretical treatments are presented of molecular vibrational dynamics, vibration-induced decay of electronic excited states, nanoscale spin-orbit coupling in 2D Si-based structures, and the growth of semiconductor clusters.
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Probing Works of Art with Photons and Charged Particles -- Applications of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Materials Science -- Structural Studies of Bio- and Related Materials Using Synchrotron Radiation -- Advances in Spectroscopy of Subthreshold Inelastic Radiation-Induced Processes in Cryocrystals -- Progress on Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials -- Photoelectrons Spectroscopy of Organized Organic Thin Films -- Growth of Silicon Nanoclusters -- Progress in Light Emission from Silicon Nanostructures -- Nanoscale Random Spin-Orbit Coupling in Low-Dimensional Structures -- Raman and Sers Studies of Carbon Nanotubes -- Noncovalent Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Biological Application: Raman and Nir Absorption Spectroscopy -- Peculiarities for Luminescence in Systems with Fullerene C60-Water Interface -- Photoluminescence and Structure of Fullerite C60 Intercalated with Helium -- Influence of Static and Microwave Magnetic Fields on Photogeneration of Free Charge Carriers in Donor-Acceptor Complex TBPDA·(C60)2 -- Light Scattering of Magnets in the Proximity to Quantum Criticality -- Giant Phonon Softening in Ferro-Magnetic Lamno3+? -- Raman Studies of Single and Polycrystalline Cobaltatites GdBaCo2O5+? with ? Close to 0.5 -- Phonons and magnons in La5/3Sr1/3NiO4 single crystal -- High-resolution infrared spectroscopy of low-dimensional magnetic oxides -- Magnetic Resonance in Low Doped Cu1?xMxGeO3 with Different Type of 3D AFM Ordering -- High-Field Esr Spectroscopy of Low-Dimensional Quantum Spin Systems -- Metal-Organic Complexes of CU (II): Ground State and Exchange Interactions in Magnetic Subsystem -- Solid-State NMR Studies of Novel Porous Solids: Structure and Dynamics -- Point-Contact Spectroscopy of Two-Band Superconductor MgB2 -- Modern Approaches in Point-Contact Spectroscopy and Their Application to Probe Nanoclusters in Mesoscopic Materials -- Infrared and Raman Spectra of Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Hexahydrate (Struvite) and Its Isomorphous Analogues -- Transport, Magnetic and Optical Properties of a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Metal Based on BEDO-TTF (Bis-(Ethylenedioxy) Tetrathiafulvalene) -- Spectral and Electrophysical Properties of Anion-Radical Salts of TCNQ and Methyl-TCNQ with N-Alkylpirazinium Cations -- New Development of Impedance Spectroscopy -- The Scaled Quantum-Mechanical Force Field -- Vibration-Induced Excited State Decay -- Advances in Time-Resolved Spectroscopy -- Linear and Nonlinear Light Scattering by Emerging Materials -- Development of Tomography Using Femtosecond Infrared Laser : Imaging of Biological Tissues.

A comprehensive discussion of the key role of modern spectroscopic investigations in interdisciplinary materials science and engineering, covering emerging materials that are either absolutely novel or well-known materials with recently discovered, exciting properties. The types of spectroscopy discussed include optical, electronic and magnetic, UV-visible absorption, Rayleigh scattering, photoluminescence, vibrational, magnetic resonance, electron energy loss, EXAFS, XANES, optical tomography, time-resolved spectroscopy, and point contact spectroscopy. The materials studied are highly topical, with a focus on carbon and silicon nanomaterials including nanotubes, fullerenes, nanoclusters, metallic superconducting phases, molecular materials, magnetic and charge-stripe oxides, and biomaterials. Theoretical treatments are presented of molecular vibrational dynamics, vibration-induced decay of electronic excited states, nanoscale spin-orbit coupling in 2D Si-based structures, and the growth of semiconductor clusters.

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