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Autonomous Systems – Self-Organization, Management, and Control [electronic resource] :Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, October 6–7, 2008 / edited by Bernd Mahr, Sheng Huanye.

by Mahr, Bernd [editor.]; Huanye, Sheng [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2008.Description: online resource.ISBN: 9781402088896.Subject(s): Engineering | Operating systems (Computers) | Software engineering | Computer science | Engineering | Control, Robotics, Mechatronics | Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems | Performance and Reliability | Computer ApplicationsDDC classification: 629.8 Online resources: Click here to access online
Head Pose Perception Based on Invariance Representation -- Geometrical Approaches to Active Learning -- Detecting Drowsiness in Driving Simulation Based on EEG -- Multi-Task BCI for Online Game Control -- Efficient Biped Pattern Generation Based on Passive Inverted Pendulum Model -- A Slung Load Transportation System Based on Small Size Helicopters -- Multi-Source Data Fusion and Management for Virtual Wind Tunnels and Physical Wind Tunnels -- Flying Sensors – Swarms in Space -- €?-Logics – Propositional Logics with Self-Reference and Modalities -- Compositionality of Aspect Weaving -- Towards the Application of Process Calculi in the Domain of Peer-to-Peer Algorithms -- Specification Techniques (Not Only) for Autonomous Systems -- Quality Assurance for Concurrent Software – An Actor-Based Approach -- Enabling Autonomous Self-Optimisation in Service-Oriented Systems -- Algorithms for Reconfiguring Self-Stabilizing Publish/Subscribe Systems -- Combining Browsing Behaviors and Page Contents for Finding User Interests -- Patent Classification Using Parallel Min-Max Modular Support Vector Machine -- A Study of Network Informal Language Using Minimal Supervision Approach -- Topic Identification Based on Chinese Domain-Specific Subjective Sentence.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: The International Workshop on "Autonomous Systems - Self-Organization, Management, and Control " is the eighth in a successful series of workshops that were established by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Technische Universitat Berlin. The goal of these workshops is to bring together researchers from both universities in order to present research results to an international community. In recent years autonomy of action has become a broadly desirable property of systems which operate in complex technical, societal and natural environments. Moving or flying robots, for example, need to act on sensor data in real time, semantic services need to adapt to changing requirements of their users, and information systems which are based on huge information sources, like the World Wide Web, need to select information in view of their user's opinions and interests. To develop such systems and applications advanced techniques, algorithms, languages, methodologies, and architectures are required, which allow for self-organization, selfmanagement, and self-control. Reporting on recent developments in autonomous systems and on studies of their specification and analysis, this workshop addresses the following topics: Techniques of Sensing and Recognition Applications of Autonomous Behavior Self-Reference and Formal Analysis Architecting and Management Opinion Mining and User Interest
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