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Bioinformation Discovery [electronic resource] :Data to Knowledge in Biology / by Pandjassarame Kangueane.

by Kangueane, Pandjassarame [author.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York, NY : Springer New York, 2009.Description: XXV, 166p. 82 illus. online resource.ISBN: 9781441905192.Subject(s): Life sciences | Immunology | Vaccines | Bioinformatics | Biochemistry | Life Sciences | Bioinformatics | Computational Biology/Bioinformatics | Immunology | Vaccine | Protein StructureDDC classification: 570.285 Online resources: Click here to access online
Creating Datasets -- Tools and Techniques -- Protein Subunits Interaction -- Homodimer Folding and Binding -- Fusion Proteins -- Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and Peptide Binding -- HLA Supertypes -- T-Epitope Designer -- Eukaryotic Genes, Functions, Genomes, Design, and Evolution.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Bioinformation Discovery illustrates the power of biological data in knowledge discovery. It describes biological data types and representations with examples for creating a workflow in Bioinformation discovery. The concepts in knowledge discovery from data are illustrated using line diagrams. The principles and concepts in knowledge discovery are used for the development of prediction models for simulations of biological reactions and events. Advanced topics in molecular evolution and cellular & molecular biology are addressed using Bioinformation gleaned through discovery. Each chapter contains approximately 10 exercises for practice. This will help students to expand their problem solving skills in Bioinformation Discovery. Each chapter concludes with a number of good problem sets to test mastery of the material.
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Creating Datasets -- Tools and Techniques -- Protein Subunits Interaction -- Homodimer Folding and Binding -- Fusion Proteins -- Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and Peptide Binding -- HLA Supertypes -- T-Epitope Designer -- Eukaryotic Genes, Functions, Genomes, Design, and Evolution.

Bioinformation Discovery illustrates the power of biological data in knowledge discovery. It describes biological data types and representations with examples for creating a workflow in Bioinformation discovery. The concepts in knowledge discovery from data are illustrated using line diagrams. The principles and concepts in knowledge discovery are used for the development of prediction models for simulations of biological reactions and events. Advanced topics in molecular evolution and cellular & molecular biology are addressed using Bioinformation gleaned through discovery. Each chapter contains approximately 10 exercises for practice. This will help students to expand their problem solving skills in Bioinformation Discovery. Each chapter concludes with a number of good problem sets to test mastery of the material.

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