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Holistic Engineering Education [electronic resource] :Beyond Technology / edited by Domenico Grasso, Melody Brown Burkins.

by Grasso, Domenico [editor.]; Burkins, Melody Brown [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York, NY : Springer New York, 2010.Edition: 1.Description: XVIII, 299p. 32 illus., 31 illus. in color. online resource.ISBN: 9781441913937.Subject(s): Engineering | Science -- Study and teaching | Physics | Engineering | Engineering, general | Science Education | Complexity | Statistical Physics, Dynamical Systems and ComplexityDDC classification: 620 Online resources: Click here to access online
FOREWORDS: C. Judson King, Provost and Senior Vice President – Academic Affairs, Emeritus; Director, Center for Studies in Higher Education; Professor of Chemical Engineering, Emeritus; University of California-Berkeley. Rick Miller, President, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering. Maria Klawe, President, Harvey Mudd College -- Beyond Technology: The Holisitic Advantage: Domenico Grasso, Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, The University of Vermont; Melody Brown Burkins, Senior Director for Research and Strategic Initiatives, The University of Vermont -- Holistic Engineering: Domenico Grasso and David Martinelli, Chairman, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, West Virginia University -- Engineering for a Changing World: A Roadmap to the Future of American Engineering Practice, Research, and Education: James J. Duderstadt, President Emeritus and University Professor of Science and Engineering, The University of Michigan -- K-12 Engineering; The Missing Core Discipline: Ioannis Miaoulis, President and Director, Museum of Science, Boston -- Liberal Arts and Engineering: Catherine P. Koshland, Vice Provost, Academic Planning & Facilities; Wood-Calvert Professor in Engineering, University of California-Berkeley -- What Is Happening In Liberal Education?: Carol T. Christ, President, Smith College -- Holistic Engineering and Educational Reform: Domenico Grasso and Joseph J. Helble, Dean and Professor of Engineering, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College -- Beyond Systems Engineering – Educational Approaches for the 21st Century: Priscilla Guthrie, Associate Director of National Intelligence and Intelligence Community Chief Information Officer, Office of Director of National Intelligence -- The Education of an Engineer in a Holistic Age: A Latin American Perspective: Hector Gallegos, President of the Peruvian College of Engineering -- On the Cultivation of Innovative Engineering Talent: Pan Yunhe, Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering -- International Education and Holistic Thinking for Engineers: Dennis D. Berkey, President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute -- Engineering Value Propositions: Professional and Personal Needs: Gary E. Wnek and Suzette Williamson, The Institute for Management and Engineering (TiME), Case Western Reserve University -- The Missing Basics & Other Philosophical Reflections for the Transformation of Engineering Education: David E. Goldberg, Illinois Foundry for Innovation in Engineering Education (iFoundry), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -- Dispelling the Myths of Holistic Engineering: Domenico Grasso, Melody Brown Burkins, Joseph Helble, and David Martinelli -- The Practice of Systems Engineering: A Foundation for Technical Leadership: Dr. Wanda Austin, et al, The Aerospace Corporation -- Holistic Systems Integration: Al Grasso et al, President & CEO, MITRE Corporation -- Engineers of Tomorrow: Holistic-Thinking System Engineers: Charla K. Wise, Vice President - Program Excellence and Operations, Energy and Security Services, Lockheed Martin -- Collaborative Innovation and Service Systems: Implications for Institutions and Disciplines: Nicholas Donofrio, Executive Vice President, IBM -- Technology and Policy: M. Granger Morgan, Head, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie-Mellon University.-.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Holistic Engineering Education: Beyond Technology is a compilation of coordinated and focused essays from world leaders in the engineering profession who are dedicated to a transformation of engineering education and practice. The contributors define a new and holistic approach to education and practice that captures the creativity, interdisciplinarity, complexity, and adaptability required for the profession to grow and truly serve global needs. With few exceptions today, engineering students and professionals continue to receive a traditional, technically-based education and training using curriculum models developed for early 20th century manufacturing and machining. While this educational paradigm has served engineering well, helping engineers create awe-inspiring machines and technologies for society, the coursework and expectations of most engineering programs eschew breadth and intellectual exploration to focus on consistent technological precision and study. Why this dichotomy? While engineering will always need precise technological skill, the 21st century innovation economy demands a new professional perspective that recognizes the value of complex systems thinking, cross-disciplinary collaborations, economic and environmental impacts (sustainability), and effective communication to global and community leaders, thus enabling engineers to consider "the whole patient" of society's needs. The goal of this book is to inspire, lead, and guide this critically needed transformation of engineering education. "Holistic Engineering Education: Beyond Technology points the way to a transformation of engineering education and practice that will be sufficiently robust, flexible, and systems-oriented to meet the grand challenges of the 21st century with their ever-increasing scale, complexity, and transdisciplinary nature." -- Charles Vest, President, National Academy of Engineering; President Emeritus, MIT "This collection of essays provides compelling arguments for the need of an engineering education that prepares engineers for the problems of the 21st century. Following the National Academy’s report on the Engineer of 2020, this book brings together experts who make the case for an engineering profession that looks beyond developing just cool technologies and more into creating solutions that can address important problems to benefit real people." -- Linda Katehi, Chancellor, University of California at Davis "This superb volume offers a provocative portrait of the exciting future of engineering education…A dramatically new form of engineering education is needed that recognizes this field as a liberal art, as a profession that combines equal parts technical rigor and creative design…The authors challenge the next generation to engineering educators to imagine, think and act in new ways. " -- Lee S. Shulman, President Emeritus, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus, Stanford University Contributors: Wanda Austin, President and CEO, The Aerospace Corporation, and Adjunct Faculty, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Dennis D. Berkey, President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA Melody Brown Burkins, Senior Director of Research and Strategic Initiatives, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA Richard J. Byrne, Vice President, The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA, USA Carol T. Christ, President, Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA Nicholas Donofrio, Executive Vice President Emeritus and Fellow, IBM Innovation and Technology, Armonk, NY, USA James J. Duderstadt, President Emeritus and University Professor of Science and Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Marie Francesca, Director, Corporate Engineering Operations, The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA, USA Hector Gallegos, President, Peruvian College of Engineering and Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Lima, Perú David E. Goldberg, Jerry S. Dobrovolny Distinguished Professor, Co-Director, Illinois Foundry for Innovation in Engineering Education (iFoundry), and Director, Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA Mark Goodman, Director, Strategic Planning, The Aerospace Corporation, Los Angeles, CA, USA Domenico Grasso, Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA Alfred Grasso, President and CEO, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA Priscilla Guthrie, Associate Director of National Intelligence and Intelligence Community Chief Information Officer, Office of Director of National Intelligence, Washington, DC, USA Joseph J. Helble, Dean and Professor, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA Stephen D. Huffman, Vice President and CTO, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA Catherine P. Koshland, Vice Provost, Academic Planning & Facilities and Wood-Calvert Professor in Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA John M. Kreger, Chief Systems Engineer, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA David Martinelli, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA Louis S. Metzger, Senior Vice President and Corporate Chief Engineer, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA Ioannis Miaoulis, President and Director, Museum of Science, Boston, MA, USA M. Granger Morgan, Professor and Head, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Calline Sanchez, Director of IBM Systems Storage Development, IBM Innovation and Technology, Armonk, NY, USA Jim Spohrer, Director, Almaden Services Research, Almaden Research Center, IBM Research, San Jose, San Jose, CA, USA Charles Tang, Principal Engineer/Scientist, The Aerospace Corporation, and Adjunct Faculty, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Marilee Wheaton, General Manager, Systems Engineering Division, The Aerospace Corporation, University of Southern California, and Adjunct Faculty, Los Angeles, CA, USA Suzette Williamson, Executive Director, The Institute for Management and Engineering (TiME), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA Charla K. Wise, Vice President, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Bethesda, MD, USA Gary E. Wnek, Faculty Director and Joseph F. Toot, Jr., Professor of Engineering, The Institute for Management and Engineering (TiME), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA Pan Yunhe, Executive Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering and President Emeritus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
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FOREWORDS: C. Judson King, Provost and Senior Vice President – Academic Affairs, Emeritus; Director, Center for Studies in Higher Education; Professor of Chemical Engineering, Emeritus; University of California-Berkeley. Rick Miller, President, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering. Maria Klawe, President, Harvey Mudd College -- Beyond Technology: The Holisitic Advantage: Domenico Grasso, Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, The University of Vermont; Melody Brown Burkins, Senior Director for Research and Strategic Initiatives, The University of Vermont -- Holistic Engineering: Domenico Grasso and David Martinelli, Chairman, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, West Virginia University -- Engineering for a Changing World: A Roadmap to the Future of American Engineering Practice, Research, and Education: James J. Duderstadt, President Emeritus and University Professor of Science and Engineering, The University of Michigan -- K-12 Engineering; The Missing Core Discipline: Ioannis Miaoulis, President and Director, Museum of Science, Boston -- Liberal Arts and Engineering: Catherine P. Koshland, Vice Provost, Academic Planning & Facilities; Wood-Calvert Professor in Engineering, University of California-Berkeley -- What Is Happening In Liberal Education?: Carol T. Christ, President, Smith College -- Holistic Engineering and Educational Reform: Domenico Grasso and Joseph J. Helble, Dean and Professor of Engineering, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College -- Beyond Systems Engineering – Educational Approaches for the 21st Century: Priscilla Guthrie, Associate Director of National Intelligence and Intelligence Community Chief Information Officer, Office of Director of National Intelligence -- The Education of an Engineer in a Holistic Age: A Latin American Perspective: Hector Gallegos, President of the Peruvian College of Engineering -- On the Cultivation of Innovative Engineering Talent: Pan Yunhe, Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering -- International Education and Holistic Thinking for Engineers: Dennis D. Berkey, President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute -- Engineering Value Propositions: Professional and Personal Needs: Gary E. Wnek and Suzette Williamson, The Institute for Management and Engineering (TiME), Case Western Reserve University -- The Missing Basics & Other Philosophical Reflections for the Transformation of Engineering Education: David E. Goldberg, Illinois Foundry for Innovation in Engineering Education (iFoundry), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -- Dispelling the Myths of Holistic Engineering: Domenico Grasso, Melody Brown Burkins, Joseph Helble, and David Martinelli -- The Practice of Systems Engineering: A Foundation for Technical Leadership: Dr. Wanda Austin, et al, The Aerospace Corporation -- Holistic Systems Integration: Al Grasso et al, President & CEO, MITRE Corporation -- Engineers of Tomorrow: Holistic-Thinking System Engineers: Charla K. Wise, Vice President - Program Excellence and Operations, Energy and Security Services, Lockheed Martin -- Collaborative Innovation and Service Systems: Implications for Institutions and Disciplines: Nicholas Donofrio, Executive Vice President, IBM -- Technology and Policy: M. Granger Morgan, Head, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie-Mellon University.-.

Holistic Engineering Education: Beyond Technology is a compilation of coordinated and focused essays from world leaders in the engineering profession who are dedicated to a transformation of engineering education and practice. The contributors define a new and holistic approach to education and practice that captures the creativity, interdisciplinarity, complexity, and adaptability required for the profession to grow and truly serve global needs. With few exceptions today, engineering students and professionals continue to receive a traditional, technically-based education and training using curriculum models developed for early 20th century manufacturing and machining. While this educational paradigm has served engineering well, helping engineers create awe-inspiring machines and technologies for society, the coursework and expectations of most engineering programs eschew breadth and intellectual exploration to focus on consistent technological precision and study. Why this dichotomy? While engineering will always need precise technological skill, the 21st century innovation economy demands a new professional perspective that recognizes the value of complex systems thinking, cross-disciplinary collaborations, economic and environmental impacts (sustainability), and effective communication to global and community leaders, thus enabling engineers to consider "the whole patient" of society's needs. The goal of this book is to inspire, lead, and guide this critically needed transformation of engineering education. "Holistic Engineering Education: Beyond Technology points the way to a transformation of engineering education and practice that will be sufficiently robust, flexible, and systems-oriented to meet the grand challenges of the 21st century with their ever-increasing scale, complexity, and transdisciplinary nature." -- Charles Vest, President, National Academy of Engineering; President Emeritus, MIT "This collection of essays provides compelling arguments for the need of an engineering education that prepares engineers for the problems of the 21st century. Following the National Academy’s report on the Engineer of 2020, this book brings together experts who make the case for an engineering profession that looks beyond developing just cool technologies and more into creating solutions that can address important problems to benefit real people." -- Linda Katehi, Chancellor, University of California at Davis "This superb volume offers a provocative portrait of the exciting future of engineering education…A dramatically new form of engineering education is needed that recognizes this field as a liberal art, as a profession that combines equal parts technical rigor and creative design…The authors challenge the next generation to engineering educators to imagine, think and act in new ways. " -- Lee S. Shulman, President Emeritus, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus, Stanford University Contributors: Wanda Austin, President and CEO, The Aerospace Corporation, and Adjunct Faculty, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Dennis D. Berkey, President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA Melody Brown Burkins, Senior Director of Research and Strategic Initiatives, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA Richard J. Byrne, Vice President, The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA, USA Carol T. Christ, President, Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA Nicholas Donofrio, Executive Vice President Emeritus and Fellow, IBM Innovation and Technology, Armonk, NY, USA James J. Duderstadt, President Emeritus and University Professor of Science and Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Marie Francesca, Director, Corporate Engineering Operations, The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA, USA Hector Gallegos, President, Peruvian College of Engineering and Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Lima, Perú David E. Goldberg, Jerry S. Dobrovolny Distinguished Professor, Co-Director, Illinois Foundry for Innovation in Engineering Education (iFoundry), and Director, Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA Mark Goodman, Director, Strategic Planning, The Aerospace Corporation, Los Angeles, CA, USA Domenico Grasso, Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College, The University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA Alfred Grasso, President and CEO, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA Priscilla Guthrie, Associate Director of National Intelligence and Intelligence Community Chief Information Officer, Office of Director of National Intelligence, Washington, DC, USA Joseph J. Helble, Dean and Professor, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA Stephen D. Huffman, Vice President and CTO, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA Catherine P. Koshland, Vice Provost, Academic Planning & Facilities and Wood-Calvert Professor in Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA John M. Kreger, Chief Systems Engineer, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA David Martinelli, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA Louis S. Metzger, Senior Vice President and Corporate Chief Engineer, The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA Ioannis Miaoulis, President and Director, Museum of Science, Boston, MA, USA M. Granger Morgan, Professor and Head, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Calline Sanchez, Director of IBM Systems Storage Development, IBM Innovation and Technology, Armonk, NY, USA Jim Spohrer, Director, Almaden Services Research, Almaden Research Center, IBM Research, San Jose, San Jose, CA, USA Charles Tang, Principal Engineer/Scientist, The Aerospace Corporation, and Adjunct Faculty, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Marilee Wheaton, General Manager, Systems Engineering Division, The Aerospace Corporation, University of Southern California, and Adjunct Faculty, Los Angeles, CA, USA Suzette Williamson, Executive Director, The Institute for Management and Engineering (TiME), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA Charla K. Wise, Vice President, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Bethesda, MD, USA Gary E. Wnek, Faculty Director and Joseph F. Toot, Jr., Professor of Engineering, The Institute for Management and Engineering (TiME), Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA Pan Yunhe, Executive Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering and President Emeritus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

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