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Atlas of Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Syndrome [electronic resource] /edited by Scott M. Grundy.

by Grundy, Scott M [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York, NY : Springer New York, 2011.Description: X, 304p. 430 illus. in color. online resource.ISBN: 9781441958396.Other title: With contributions by numerous experts.Subject(s): Medicine | Family medicine | Cardiology | Heart -- Surgery | Medicine & Public Health | Cardiology | Cardiac Surgery | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention | General Practice / Family Medicine | Medicine/Public Health, generalDDC classification: 616.12 Online resources: Click here to access online
Metabolic Syndrome Overview -- Triglyceride Rich Lipoproteins and apolipoprotein B -- Newer Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk Factor -- Dietary Management -- Drug Management -- Ethnic Differences -- Diabetes and Vascular Risk -- Gender Differences.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: In this updated fifth edition of the Atlas of Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Syndrome (formerly the Atlas of Atherosclerosis), the editors have compiled a comprehensive update on the field of atherosclerosis. This four-color atlas includes detailed legends and extensive reference listings for hundreds of illustrations, algorithms, schematics, and images. This new edition focuses more closely on metabolic syndrome, as well as comprehensively covering many other topics including diabetes and vascular risk, obesity management, dietary concerns, drug treatment, gender and ethnicity differences, and many others. The striking, four-color format combined with the breadth of information it contains make this book an invaluable resource for physicians, cardiologists, and all professionals involved in the study and treatment of atherosclerosis.
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Metabolic Syndrome Overview -- Triglyceride Rich Lipoproteins and apolipoprotein B -- Newer Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk Factor -- Dietary Management -- Drug Management -- Ethnic Differences -- Diabetes and Vascular Risk -- Gender Differences.

In this updated fifth edition of the Atlas of Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Syndrome (formerly the Atlas of Atherosclerosis), the editors have compiled a comprehensive update on the field of atherosclerosis. This four-color atlas includes detailed legends and extensive reference listings for hundreds of illustrations, algorithms, schematics, and images. This new edition focuses more closely on metabolic syndrome, as well as comprehensively covering many other topics including diabetes and vascular risk, obesity management, dietary concerns, drug treatment, gender and ethnicity differences, and many others. The striking, four-color format combined with the breadth of information it contains make this book an invaluable resource for physicians, cardiologists, and all professionals involved in the study and treatment of atherosclerosis.

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