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European Prehistory [electronic resource] :A Survey / edited by Sarunas Milisauskas.

by Milisauskas, Sarunas [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology: Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : 2011.Edition: 2.Description: XV, 493 p. online resource.ISBN: 9781441966339.Subject(s): Social sciences | Anthropology | Archaeology | Social Sciences | Archaeology | AnthropologyDDC classification: 930.1 Online resources: Click here to access online
Introduction.- Observations on European Archaeology.-The Present Environment: A Geographic Summary -- The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic -- The Upper Palaeolithic -- The Mesolithic -- Early Neolithic, The First Farmers in Europe.-Middle Neolithic and Early Copper Age -- Late Neolithic and Early Copper Age, Continuity, Diversity, and Greater Complexity -- Late Neolithic/Late Copper Age -- The Bronze Age.-The Iron Age -- Conclusion -- Glossary -- References.-Index of Authors.-Index of Places -- Index of Subjects.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: European Prehistory: A Survey traces humans from their earliest appearance on the continent to the Rise of the Roman Empire, drawing on archaeological research from all over Europe. It includes the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. Throughout these periods, the major developments are explored using a wide range of archaeological data that emphasizes aspects of agricultural practices, gender, mortuary practices, population genetics, ritual, settlement patterns, technology, trade, and warfare. Using new methods and theories, recent discoveries and arguments are presented and previous discoveries reevaluated. This work includes chapters on European geography and the chronology of European prehistory. A new chapter has been added on the historical development of European archaeology. The remaining chapters have been contributed by archaeologists specializing in different periods. The second edition of European Prehistory: A Survey is enhanced by a glossary, three indices and a comprehensive bibliography, as well as an extensive collection of maps, chronological tables and photographs. 
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Introduction.- Observations on European Archaeology.-The Present Environment: A Geographic Summary -- The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic -- The Upper Palaeolithic -- The Mesolithic -- Early Neolithic, The First Farmers in Europe.-Middle Neolithic and Early Copper Age -- Late Neolithic and Early Copper Age, Continuity, Diversity, and Greater Complexity -- Late Neolithic/Late Copper Age -- The Bronze Age.-The Iron Age -- Conclusion -- Glossary -- References.-Index of Authors.-Index of Places -- Index of Subjects.

European Prehistory: A Survey traces humans from their earliest appearance on the continent to the Rise of the Roman Empire, drawing on archaeological research from all over Europe. It includes the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. Throughout these periods, the major developments are explored using a wide range of archaeological data that emphasizes aspects of agricultural practices, gender, mortuary practices, population genetics, ritual, settlement patterns, technology, trade, and warfare. Using new methods and theories, recent discoveries and arguments are presented and previous discoveries reevaluated. This work includes chapters on European geography and the chronology of European prehistory. A new chapter has been added on the historical development of European archaeology. The remaining chapters have been contributed by archaeologists specializing in different periods. The second edition of European Prehistory: A Survey is enhanced by a glossary, three indices and a comprehensive bibliography, as well as an extensive collection of maps, chronological tables and photographs. 

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