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Network-Embedded Management and Applications [electronic resource] :Understanding Programmable Networking Infrastructure / edited by Alexander Clemm, Ralf Wolter.

by Clemm, Alexander [editor.]; Wolter, Ralf [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : 2013.Description: X, 352 p. 129 illus. online resource.ISBN: 9781441967695.Subject(s): Engineering | Computer network architectures | Telecommunication | Engineering | Communications Engineering, Networks | Computer Systems Organization and Communication NetworksDDC classification: 621.382 Online resources: Click here to access online
Part I: Foundations of Network-Embedded Management and Applications -- Motivation: The Dawn of the Age of Network-Embedded Applications -- A Brief History of Network Programmability and Related Fields -- Network-Embedded Management -- Improving Manageability through Network-Embedded Management -- Part II: Infrastructure, Case Studies, Research Areas -- On the Relevance and Adoption of Network Automation -- Embedding Operational Intelligence into Junos Devices through On-Box Scripts -- Developing Innovative Embedded Applications in the Network with the Junos SDK -- Using Embedded Scripting to Define a Protocol for High-Available Data-Center Interconnect -- Enabling IP-Based Smart Services -- Network-Embedded Social Network Protocols -- OpenFlow: A Perspective for Building Versatile Networks -- Application and Network Resource Access Control -- Protocols for Distributed Embedded Management.- Peer-to-Peer (P2P)-Based Network Management -- Scalable and Robust Decentralized IP Traffic Flow Collection and Analysis (SCRIPT). .
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Despite the explosion of networking services and applications in the past decades, the basic technological underpinnings of the Internet have remained largely unchanged. At its heart are special-purpose appliances that connect us to the digital world, commonly known as switches and routers. Now, however, the traditional framework is being increasingly challenged by new methods that are jostling for a position in the next-generation Internet. The concept of a network that is becoming more programmable is one of the aspects that are taking center stage. This opens new possibilities to embed software applications inside the network itself and to manage networks and communications services with unprecedented ease and efficiency. In this edited volume, distinguished experts take the reader on a tour of different facets of programmable network infrastructure and application exploit it. Presenting the state of the art in network embedded management and applications and programmable network infrastructure, the book conveys fundamental concepts and provides a glimpse into various facets of the latest technology in the field.
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Part I: Foundations of Network-Embedded Management and Applications -- Motivation: The Dawn of the Age of Network-Embedded Applications -- A Brief History of Network Programmability and Related Fields -- Network-Embedded Management -- Improving Manageability through Network-Embedded Management -- Part II: Infrastructure, Case Studies, Research Areas -- On the Relevance and Adoption of Network Automation -- Embedding Operational Intelligence into Junos Devices through On-Box Scripts -- Developing Innovative Embedded Applications in the Network with the Junos SDK -- Using Embedded Scripting to Define a Protocol for High-Available Data-Center Interconnect -- Enabling IP-Based Smart Services -- Network-Embedded Social Network Protocols -- OpenFlow: A Perspective for Building Versatile Networks -- Application and Network Resource Access Control -- Protocols for Distributed Embedded Management.- Peer-to-Peer (P2P)-Based Network Management -- Scalable and Robust Decentralized IP Traffic Flow Collection and Analysis (SCRIPT). .

Despite the explosion of networking services and applications in the past decades, the basic technological underpinnings of the Internet have remained largely unchanged. At its heart are special-purpose appliances that connect us to the digital world, commonly known as switches and routers. Now, however, the traditional framework is being increasingly challenged by new methods that are jostling for a position in the next-generation Internet. The concept of a network that is becoming more programmable is one of the aspects that are taking center stage. This opens new possibilities to embed software applications inside the network itself and to manage networks and communications services with unprecedented ease and efficiency. In this edited volume, distinguished experts take the reader on a tour of different facets of programmable network infrastructure and application exploit it. Presenting the state of the art in network embedded management and applications and programmable network infrastructure, the book conveys fundamental concepts and provides a glimpse into various facets of the latest technology in the field.

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