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The Molecular Immunology of Complex Carbohydrates-3 [electronic resource] /edited by Albert M. Wu.

by Wu, Albert M [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology: 705Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2011.Description: XXXV, 809p. 348 illus., 99 illus. in color. online resource.ISBN: 9781441978776.Subject(s): Medicine | Oncology | Immunology | Medical virology | Biochemistry | Biomedicine | Immunology | Biochemistry, general | Cancer Research | VirologyDDC classification: 616.079 Online resources: Click here to access online
Introduction to Glyco-Experiences.Serendipity in Scientific Discoveries: Some Examples in Glycosciences.My 30 Years Devotion to the N-linked Oligosaccharide Structures -- Blood group ABH/Le-related antigens.Human Blood Group ABH/Ii, Lea, b, x, y and Sialyl Lea, x Glycotopes, Internal Structures and Immunochemical Roles of Human Ovarian Cyst Glycoproteins.Lewis Glyco-Epitopes: Structure, Biosynthesis and Functions.An Unique Endo--Galactosidase that Cleaves Both Blood Group A and B Glycotopes -- Lectins.Recognition Intensities of Mammalian Structural Units, Ligand Clusters and Polyvalency in the Lectin-Glycan Interaction Processes.Adhesion/Growth-Regulatory Galectins: Insights into their Ligand Selectivity Using Natural Glycoproteins and Glycotopes.Glycotope Structures and Intramolecular Affinity Factors of Plant Lectins for Tn/T Antigens.The Five Bacterial Lectins (PA-IL, PA-IIL, RSL, RS-IIL and CV-IIL) – Interactions with Diverse Animal Cells and Glycoproteins.On the Differential Sialic Acid Specificity of Lectins from Different Parts of Saraca indica.Regulation of Lectin Production by the Human Pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Chromobacterium violaceum: Effects of Choline, Trehalose and Ethanol.Non-Carbohydrate Mediated Interaction of Lectins with Plant Proteins.Novel Concepts about the Role of Lectins in the Plant Cell -- Structures and Functions of Glycolipids.Role of Gangliosides and of Plasma Membrane Associated Sialidase in the Process of Cell Membrane Organization.9-O-Acetyl GD3 in Lymphoid and Erythroid Cells.GM3 Up-Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) Possibly through PI3K, AKT, RICTOR, RhoGDI-2 and TNF-α Pathways in Mouse Melanoma B16 Cells.Pathological Roles of Ganglioside Mimicry in Guillain-Barré Syndrome and Related Neuropathies.Structure and Function of Glycolipids in Thermophilic Bacteria.Lipooligosaccharides (LOSs) of Neisseria Species: Similarity between N. Polysaccharea and N. Meningitidis LOSs -- Structures and Functions of Complex Carbohydrates.Roles for N- and O-Glycans in Early Mouse Development.Glycobiology in the Field of Gerontology (Glycogerontology).Galectins in Regulation of Apoptosis.Avian and Human Influenza Virus Receptors and their Distribution.Importance of a Factor VIIIc-Like Glycoprotein Expressed in Capillary Endothelial Cells (eFactor VIIIc) in Angiogenesis.Mucin O-Glycan Branching Enzymes: Structure, Function and Gene Regulation.Studying the Carbohydrate Self-Recognition in Marine Sponges Using Synthetic Aggregation Factor Epitopes.Docking of Chitin Oligomers and Nod Factors on LysM Lectin Domains of the LysM-RLK Receptors as a First Recognition Step for the Establishment of the Medicago truncatula-Rhizobium Symbiosis -- Glyco-Immunology.O-Acetylated Sialic Acids and their Role in Immune Defence.Sialylated and Sulfated Carbohydrate Ligands for Selectins and Siglecs – Involvement in Traffic and Homing of Human Memory T- and B- Lymphocytes.Diversity of Natural Anti--Galactosyl Antibodies in Human Serum.Prospective Highlights of Serum Glycoprotein Profiles in Spontaneous Tolerance after Liver Allograft Transplantation -- Glycobiology of Cancer.Hematogenous Metastasis: Roles of CD44v and Alternative Sialofucosylated Selectin Ligands.Regulation of Glycosyltransferase Genes in Apoptotic Breast Cancer Cells Induced by L-PPMP and cis-Platin.Aberrant Glycosphingolipid Expression and Membrane Organization in Tumor Cells. Consequences on Tumor-Host Interactions.Human KDN (Deaminated Neuraminic Acid) and its Elevated Expression in Cancer Cells – Mechanism and Significance.Polysialic Acid Bioengineering of Cancer and Neuronal Cells by N-Acyl Sialic Acid Precursor Treatment -- Glyco-Applications.Synthesis of Hemagglutinin-Binding Trisaccharides.Fabrication and Applications of Glyco-Nanomaterials.Glycan Arrays to Decipher the Specificity of Plant Lectins.Targeting C-Type Lectin for the Treatment of Flavivirus Infections.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Based on the proceedings of the third international symposium on “Molecular Immunology of Complex Carbohydrates,” this text is the latest in a series dedicated to glycotopes, structures and functions of complex carbohydrates, recognition factors of lectins, biomolecular interactions and other glycosciences. Section I of the book pays tribute to three pioneers in the field—Walter T.J. Morgan, Elvin A. Kabat and especially Winifred M. Watkins; it presents advanced concepts concerning the structure and functions of Blood group ABH/Le-related antigens, offering a comprehensive review on human blood group ABH/Ii, Lea,b,x,y and siayl Lea,x glycotopes of human ovarian cyst glycoproteins. Section II covers the interactions of plant, bacterial and animal lectins with carbohydrates and proteins. Section III describes the structures and functions of gangliosides and microbial glycolipids. Section IV covers the physiological roles of other clycocunjugates in humans, animals, sponges and bacteria as well as aging-related alterations of glycosylation profile in humans. Section V discusses the role of carbohydrates as antigens and regulators of the immune response. Section VI addresses some aspects of the glycobiology of cancer. And section VII details new methodologies in glycol-synthesis and lectin-carbohydrate binding assays and strategies for treatment as crucial applications.
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Introduction to Glyco-Experiences.Serendipity in Scientific Discoveries: Some Examples in Glycosciences.My 30 Years Devotion to the N-linked Oligosaccharide Structures -- Blood group ABH/Le-related antigens.Human Blood Group ABH/Ii, Lea, b, x, y and Sialyl Lea, x Glycotopes, Internal Structures and Immunochemical Roles of Human Ovarian Cyst Glycoproteins.Lewis Glyco-Epitopes: Structure, Biosynthesis and Functions.An Unique Endo--Galactosidase that Cleaves Both Blood Group A and B Glycotopes -- Lectins.Recognition Intensities of Mammalian Structural Units, Ligand Clusters and Polyvalency in the Lectin-Glycan Interaction Processes.Adhesion/Growth-Regulatory Galectins: Insights into their Ligand Selectivity Using Natural Glycoproteins and Glycotopes.Glycotope Structures and Intramolecular Affinity Factors of Plant Lectins for Tn/T Antigens.The Five Bacterial Lectins (PA-IL, PA-IIL, RSL, RS-IIL and CV-IIL) – Interactions with Diverse Animal Cells and Glycoproteins.On the Differential Sialic Acid Specificity of Lectins from Different Parts of Saraca indica.Regulation of Lectin Production by the Human Pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Chromobacterium violaceum: Effects of Choline, Trehalose and Ethanol.Non-Carbohydrate Mediated Interaction of Lectins with Plant Proteins.Novel Concepts about the Role of Lectins in the Plant Cell -- Structures and Functions of Glycolipids.Role of Gangliosides and of Plasma Membrane Associated Sialidase in the Process of Cell Membrane Organization.9-O-Acetyl GD3 in Lymphoid and Erythroid Cells.GM3 Up-Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) Possibly through PI3K, AKT, RICTOR, RhoGDI-2 and TNF-α Pathways in Mouse Melanoma B16 Cells.Pathological Roles of Ganglioside Mimicry in Guillain-Barré Syndrome and Related Neuropathies.Structure and Function of Glycolipids in Thermophilic Bacteria.Lipooligosaccharides (LOSs) of Neisseria Species: Similarity between N. Polysaccharea and N. Meningitidis LOSs -- Structures and Functions of Complex Carbohydrates.Roles for N- and O-Glycans in Early Mouse Development.Glycobiology in the Field of Gerontology (Glycogerontology).Galectins in Regulation of Apoptosis.Avian and Human Influenza Virus Receptors and their Distribution.Importance of a Factor VIIIc-Like Glycoprotein Expressed in Capillary Endothelial Cells (eFactor VIIIc) in Angiogenesis.Mucin O-Glycan Branching Enzymes: Structure, Function and Gene Regulation.Studying the Carbohydrate Self-Recognition in Marine Sponges Using Synthetic Aggregation Factor Epitopes.Docking of Chitin Oligomers and Nod Factors on LysM Lectin Domains of the LysM-RLK Receptors as a First Recognition Step for the Establishment of the Medicago truncatula-Rhizobium Symbiosis -- Glyco-Immunology.O-Acetylated Sialic Acids and their Role in Immune Defence.Sialylated and Sulfated Carbohydrate Ligands for Selectins and Siglecs – Involvement in Traffic and Homing of Human Memory T- and B- Lymphocytes.Diversity of Natural Anti--Galactosyl Antibodies in Human Serum.Prospective Highlights of Serum Glycoprotein Profiles in Spontaneous Tolerance after Liver Allograft Transplantation -- Glycobiology of Cancer.Hematogenous Metastasis: Roles of CD44v and Alternative Sialofucosylated Selectin Ligands.Regulation of Glycosyltransferase Genes in Apoptotic Breast Cancer Cells Induced by L-PPMP and cis-Platin.Aberrant Glycosphingolipid Expression and Membrane Organization in Tumor Cells. Consequences on Tumor-Host Interactions.Human KDN (Deaminated Neuraminic Acid) and its Elevated Expression in Cancer Cells – Mechanism and Significance.Polysialic Acid Bioengineering of Cancer and Neuronal Cells by N-Acyl Sialic Acid Precursor Treatment -- Glyco-Applications.Synthesis of Hemagglutinin-Binding Trisaccharides.Fabrication and Applications of Glyco-Nanomaterials.Glycan Arrays to Decipher the Specificity of Plant Lectins.Targeting C-Type Lectin for the Treatment of Flavivirus Infections.

Based on the proceedings of the third international symposium on “Molecular Immunology of Complex Carbohydrates,” this text is the latest in a series dedicated to glycotopes, structures and functions of complex carbohydrates, recognition factors of lectins, biomolecular interactions and other glycosciences. Section I of the book pays tribute to three pioneers in the field—Walter T.J. Morgan, Elvin A. Kabat and especially Winifred M. Watkins; it presents advanced concepts concerning the structure and functions of Blood group ABH/Le-related antigens, offering a comprehensive review on human blood group ABH/Ii, Lea,b,x,y and siayl Lea,x glycotopes of human ovarian cyst glycoproteins. Section II covers the interactions of plant, bacterial and animal lectins with carbohydrates and proteins. Section III describes the structures and functions of gangliosides and microbial glycolipids. Section IV covers the physiological roles of other clycocunjugates in humans, animals, sponges and bacteria as well as aging-related alterations of glycosylation profile in humans. Section V discusses the role of carbohydrates as antigens and regulators of the immune response. Section VI addresses some aspects of the glycobiology of cancer. And section VII details new methodologies in glycol-synthesis and lectin-carbohydrate binding assays and strategies for treatment as crucial applications.

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