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Complexity, Analysis and Control of Singular Biological Systems [electronic resource] /by Qingling Zhang, Chao Liu, Xue Zhang.

by Zhang, Qingling [author.]; Liu, Chao [author.]; Zhang, Xue [author.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences: 421Publisher: London : Springer London, 2012.Description: XVI, 236p. 69 illus., 27 illus. in color. online resource.ISBN: 9781447123033.Subject(s): Engineering | Ecology | Genetics -- Mathematics | Environmental sciences | Engineering | Control | Community & Population Ecology | Genetics and Population Dynamics | Complex Systems | Math. Appl. in Environmental ScienceDDC classification: 629.8 Online resources: Click here to access online
Introduction -- Bifurcations -- Bifurcations and Control in a Singular Biological Economic Model -- Chaos and Control in Singular Biological Economic Systems -- Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Control for Singular Biological Systems -- Dynamic Analysis and Optimal Control of Singular Biological Economic Model -- Bifurcations of a Class of Singular Biological Economic Models -- A Singular Bioeconomic Model with Diffusion and Time Delay -- Bifurcation Analysis and Control of a Class of Hybrid Biological Economic Models -- Bifurcations of a Class of Discrete-time Biological Economic Models -- Mechanics and Control in Singular Complex Physiological Systems -- Discussion.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Complexity, Analysis and Control of Singular Biological Systems follows the control of real-world biological systems at both ecological and phyisological levels concentrating on the application of now-extensively-investigated singular system theory. Much effort has recently been dedicated to the modelling and analysis of developing bioeconomic systems and the text establishes singular examples of these, showing how proper control can help to maintain sustainable economic development of biological resources. The book begins from the essentials of singular systems theory and bifurcations before tackling  the use of various forms of control in singular biological systems using examples including predator-prey relationships and viral vaccination and quarantine control. Researchers and graduate students studying the control of complex biological systems are shown how a variety of methods can be brought to bear and practitioners working with the economics of biological systems and their control will also find the monograph illuminating.
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Introduction -- Bifurcations -- Bifurcations and Control in a Singular Biological Economic Model -- Chaos and Control in Singular Biological Economic Systems -- Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Control for Singular Biological Systems -- Dynamic Analysis and Optimal Control of Singular Biological Economic Model -- Bifurcations of a Class of Singular Biological Economic Models -- A Singular Bioeconomic Model with Diffusion and Time Delay -- Bifurcation Analysis and Control of a Class of Hybrid Biological Economic Models -- Bifurcations of a Class of Discrete-time Biological Economic Models -- Mechanics and Control in Singular Complex Physiological Systems -- Discussion.

Complexity, Analysis and Control of Singular Biological Systems follows the control of real-world biological systems at both ecological and phyisological levels concentrating on the application of now-extensively-investigated singular system theory. Much effort has recently been dedicated to the modelling and analysis of developing bioeconomic systems and the text establishes singular examples of these, showing how proper control can help to maintain sustainable economic development of biological resources. The book begins from the essentials of singular systems theory and bifurcations before tackling  the use of various forms of control in singular biological systems using examples including predator-prey relationships and viral vaccination and quarantine control. Researchers and graduate students studying the control of complex biological systems are shown how a variety of methods can be brought to bear and practitioners working with the economics of biological systems and their control will also find the monograph illuminating.

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