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Radiology Fundamentals [electronic resource] :Introduction to Imaging & Technology / edited by Harjit Singh, Janet A. Neutze.

by Singh, Harjit [editor.]; Neutze, Janet A [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York, NY : Springer New York, 2012.Edition: Fourth Edition.Description: XVIII, 362p. 88 illus., 43 illus. in color. online resource.ISBN: 9781461409441.Subject(s): Medicine | Radiology, Medical | Medicine & Public Health | Imaging / Radiology | Diagnostic Radiology | Medicine/Public Health, generalDDC classification: 616.0757 Online resources: Click here to access online
Patient Radiation Safety and Risk -- Introduction to Radiology Concepts -- Conventional Radiology -- Ultrasound -- Computed Tomography -- MRI -- Nuclear Medicine -- Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology -- Heart and Mediastinum -- Lateral Chest -- Pulmonary Mass Lesions -- Air Space Disease -- Interstitial Disease -- Atelectasis -- Pulmonary Vasculature -- Pulmonary Edema -- Pneumothorax -- Miscellaneous Chest Conditions -- Tubes and Lines -- Breast Imaging -- Women's Ultrasound -- Women's Health Interventions -- Abdominal Calcifications -- Abnormal Air Collections in the Abdomen -- Barium Studies of the Upper GI Tract -- Barium Enema & CT Colonography -- Bowel Obstruction -- Inflammatory Bowel Disease -- Defecography -- Intra-abdominal Lymphadenopathy -- The Gallbladder -- Abdominal & Pelvic Pain Evaluation -- Imaging of the Trauma Patient -- Concerning Lesions -- Incidental Lesions -- Radionucleotide Evaluation of GI Bleeding -- Radionucleotide Bone Imaging -- Lung Ventilation and Perfusion Imaging -- Radionucleotide Cardiac Imaging -- F-18 FDG Positron Emission Tomography -- Diagnostic Arteriography -- Pulmonary Arteriography & IVC Filter Placement -- Percutaneous Nephrostomy Placement -- TIPS -- Central Venous Access -- Fractures - Part 1 -- Fractures - Part 2 -- Arthritides -- Bone Tumor Characterstics -- CNS Anatomy -- The Cervical Spine -- Head Trauma -- Stroke -- Headache and back pain -- Radiology.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Radiology Fundamentals is a concise introduction to the dynamic field of radiology for medical students, non-radiology house staff, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, radiology assistants, and other allied health professionals. The goal of the book is to provide readers with general examples and brief discussions of basic radiographic principles and to serve as a curriculum guide, supplementing a radiology education and providing a solid foundation for further learning.  Introductory chapters provide readers with the fundamental scientific concepts underlying the medical use of imaging modalities and technology, including ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine. The main scope of the book is to present concise chapters organized by anatomic region and radiology sub-specialty that highlight the radiologist’s role in diagnosing and treating common diseases, disorders, and conditions. Highly illustrated with images and diagrams, each chapter in Radiology Fundamentals begins with learning objectives to aid readers in recognizing important points and connecting the basic radiology concepts that run throughout the text. It is the editors’ hope that this valuable, up-to-date resource will foster and further stimulate self-directed radiology learning—the process at the heart of medical education.
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Patient Radiation Safety and Risk -- Introduction to Radiology Concepts -- Conventional Radiology -- Ultrasound -- Computed Tomography -- MRI -- Nuclear Medicine -- Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology -- Heart and Mediastinum -- Lateral Chest -- Pulmonary Mass Lesions -- Air Space Disease -- Interstitial Disease -- Atelectasis -- Pulmonary Vasculature -- Pulmonary Edema -- Pneumothorax -- Miscellaneous Chest Conditions -- Tubes and Lines -- Breast Imaging -- Women's Ultrasound -- Women's Health Interventions -- Abdominal Calcifications -- Abnormal Air Collections in the Abdomen -- Barium Studies of the Upper GI Tract -- Barium Enema & CT Colonography -- Bowel Obstruction -- Inflammatory Bowel Disease -- Defecography -- Intra-abdominal Lymphadenopathy -- The Gallbladder -- Abdominal & Pelvic Pain Evaluation -- Imaging of the Trauma Patient -- Concerning Lesions -- Incidental Lesions -- Radionucleotide Evaluation of GI Bleeding -- Radionucleotide Bone Imaging -- Lung Ventilation and Perfusion Imaging -- Radionucleotide Cardiac Imaging -- F-18 FDG Positron Emission Tomography -- Diagnostic Arteriography -- Pulmonary Arteriography & IVC Filter Placement -- Percutaneous Nephrostomy Placement -- TIPS -- Central Venous Access -- Fractures - Part 1 -- Fractures - Part 2 -- Arthritides -- Bone Tumor Characterstics -- CNS Anatomy -- The Cervical Spine -- Head Trauma -- Stroke -- Headache and back pain -- Radiology.

Radiology Fundamentals is a concise introduction to the dynamic field of radiology for medical students, non-radiology house staff, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, radiology assistants, and other allied health professionals. The goal of the book is to provide readers with general examples and brief discussions of basic radiographic principles and to serve as a curriculum guide, supplementing a radiology education and providing a solid foundation for further learning.  Introductory chapters provide readers with the fundamental scientific concepts underlying the medical use of imaging modalities and technology, including ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine. The main scope of the book is to present concise chapters organized by anatomic region and radiology sub-specialty that highlight the radiologist’s role in diagnosing and treating common diseases, disorders, and conditions. Highly illustrated with images and diagrams, each chapter in Radiology Fundamentals begins with learning objectives to aid readers in recognizing important points and connecting the basic radiology concepts that run throughout the text. It is the editors’ hope that this valuable, up-to-date resource will foster and further stimulate self-directed radiology learning—the process at the heart of medical education.

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