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Microbial Technologies in Advanced Biofuels Production [electronic resource] /edited by Patrick C. Hallenbeck.

by Hallenbeck, Patrick C [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2012.Edition: 1.Description: X, 272p. 39 illus., 16 illus. in color. online resource.ISBN: 9781461412083.Subject(s): Life sciences | Immunology | Biochemistry | Microbiology | Renewable energy sources | Life Sciences | Microbiology | Biochemistry, general | Immunology | Renewable and Green EnergyDDC classification: 579 Online resources: Click here to access online
Biofuels, the larger context -- Hydrogen production: light driven processes; cyanobacteria -- Hydrogen production: light driven processes; green algae -- Hydrogen production : photofermentation -- Hydrogen production : dark processes -- Microbial Electrolysis: Novel Biotechnology for Hydrogen Production from Biomass -- Combined Processes for maximum substrate conversion -- Syntrophic Degradation of Fatty Acids by Methanogenic Communities -- Anaerobic digestion as an effective biofuel production technology -- Advanced Bioethanol Production -- Novel strategies for production of medium and high chain length alcohols -- Microbial Production of Fatty-Acid Based Biofuels -- Biodiesel production by microalgae -- Algae Oil -- The Future of Biofuels, Biofuels of the Future.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Concerns over dwindling fossil fuel reserves and impending climate changes have focused attention worldwide on the need to discover alternative, sustainable energy sources and fuels. Biofuels, already produced on a massive industrial scale, are seen as one answer to these problems. However, very real concerns over the effects of biofuel production on food supplies, with some of the recent increases in worldwide food costs attributable to biofuel production, have lead to the realization that new, non-food substrates for biofuel production must be bought online. This book is an authoritative, comprehensive, up-to-date review of the various options under development for the production of advanced biofuels as alternative energy carriers. Accomplished, internationally recognized experts carrying out research on individual focus areas contribute specific technical chapters detailing present progress and future prospects.  A general overview places the field in context, and a final chapter overviews some of the latest developments in this field.
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Biofuels, the larger context -- Hydrogen production: light driven processes; cyanobacteria -- Hydrogen production: light driven processes; green algae -- Hydrogen production : photofermentation -- Hydrogen production : dark processes -- Microbial Electrolysis: Novel Biotechnology for Hydrogen Production from Biomass -- Combined Processes for maximum substrate conversion -- Syntrophic Degradation of Fatty Acids by Methanogenic Communities -- Anaerobic digestion as an effective biofuel production technology -- Advanced Bioethanol Production -- Novel strategies for production of medium and high chain length alcohols -- Microbial Production of Fatty-Acid Based Biofuels -- Biodiesel production by microalgae -- Algae Oil -- The Future of Biofuels, Biofuels of the Future.

Concerns over dwindling fossil fuel reserves and impending climate changes have focused attention worldwide on the need to discover alternative, sustainable energy sources and fuels. Biofuels, already produced on a massive industrial scale, are seen as one answer to these problems. However, very real concerns over the effects of biofuel production on food supplies, with some of the recent increases in worldwide food costs attributable to biofuel production, have lead to the realization that new, non-food substrates for biofuel production must be bought online. This book is an authoritative, comprehensive, up-to-date review of the various options under development for the production of advanced biofuels as alternative energy carriers. Accomplished, internationally recognized experts carrying out research on individual focus areas contribute specific technical chapters detailing present progress and future prospects.  A general overview places the field in context, and a final chapter overviews some of the latest developments in this field.

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