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Biostatistics with R [electronic resource] :An Introduction to Statistics Through Biological Data / by Babak Shahbaba.

by Shahbaba, Babak [author.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Use R!: Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York, 2012.Description: XVI, 352p. 162 illus., 73 illus. in color. online resource.ISBN: 9781461413028.Subject(s): Statistics | Statistics | Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine, Health SciencesDDC classification: 519.5 Online resources: Click here to access online
Introduction -- Data Exploration -- Exploring Relationships -- Probability -- Random Variables and Probability Distribtions -- Estimation -- Hypothesis Testing -- Testing a Hypothesis on the Relatinoship Between Two Variables -- Analysis of Variance -- Analysis of Categorial Variables -- Regression Analysis -- Clustering -- Bayesian Analysis.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Biostatistics with R is designed around the dynamic interplay among statistical methods, their applications in biology, and their implementation.  The book explains basic statistical concepts with a simple yet rigorous language.  The development of ideas is in the context of real applied problems, for which step-by-step instructions for using R and R-Commander are provided.  Topics include data exploration, estimation, hypothesis testing, linear regression analysis, and clustering with two appendices on installing and using R and R-Commander.  A novel feature of this book is an elementary introduction to the basic of Bayesian analysis. This author discusses basic statistical analysis through a series of biological examples using R and R-Commander as computational tools.  The book is ideal for instructors of basic statistics for biologists and other health scientists.  The step-by-step application of statistical methods discussed in this book allows readers, who are interested in statistics and its application in biology, to use the book as a self-learning text. 
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Introduction -- Data Exploration -- Exploring Relationships -- Probability -- Random Variables and Probability Distribtions -- Estimation -- Hypothesis Testing -- Testing a Hypothesis on the Relatinoship Between Two Variables -- Analysis of Variance -- Analysis of Categorial Variables -- Regression Analysis -- Clustering -- Bayesian Analysis.

Biostatistics with R is designed around the dynamic interplay among statistical methods, their applications in biology, and their implementation.  The book explains basic statistical concepts with a simple yet rigorous language.  The development of ideas is in the context of real applied problems, for which step-by-step instructions for using R and R-Commander are provided.  Topics include data exploration, estimation, hypothesis testing, linear regression analysis, and clustering with two appendices on installing and using R and R-Commander.  A novel feature of this book is an elementary introduction to the basic of Bayesian analysis. This author discusses basic statistical analysis through a series of biological examples using R and R-Commander as computational tools.  The book is ideal for instructors of basic statistics for biologists and other health scientists.  The step-by-step application of statistical methods discussed in this book allows readers, who are interested in statistics and its application in biology, to use the book as a self-learning text. 

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