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Thermo-Hydrodynamic Design of Fluidized Bed Combustors [electronic resource] :Estimating Metal Wastage / by Robert W. Lyczkowski, Walter F. Podolski, Jacques X. Bouillard, Stephen M. Folga.

by Lyczkowski, Robert W [author.]; Podolski, Walter F [author.]; Bouillard, Jacques X [author.]; Folga, Stephen M [author.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology: Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : 2012.Description: X, 84 p. 7 illus. online resource.ISBN: 9781461435914.Subject(s): Engineering | Environmental pollution | Surfaces (Physics) | Engineering | Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer | Terrestrial Pollution | Characterization and Evaluation of MaterialsDDC classification: 621.4021 Online resources: Click here to access online
Introduction -- Approach -- Description of Simplified Models -- Operating Parameters -- Design Parameters -- Scaling and Relationships between Dependent Variables and Metal Wastage -- Parameters that have Uncertain Effects upon Metal -- Conclusions and Recommendations -- Appendix A Some Conversion Factors Useful in Erosion Calculations -- Appendix B Useful Design Information.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Thermo-Hydrodynamic Design of Fluidized Bed Combustors: Estimating Metal Wastage is a unique volume that finds that the most sensitive parameters affecting metal wastage are superficial fluidizing velocity, particle diameter, and particle sphericity.  Gross consistencies between disparate data sources using different techniques were found when the erosion rates are compared on the same basis using the concept of renormalization.  The simplified mechanistic models and correlations, when validated, can be used to renormalize any experimental data so they can be compared on a consistent basis using a master equation.
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Introduction -- Approach -- Description of Simplified Models -- Operating Parameters -- Design Parameters -- Scaling and Relationships between Dependent Variables and Metal Wastage -- Parameters that have Uncertain Effects upon Metal -- Conclusions and Recommendations -- Appendix A Some Conversion Factors Useful in Erosion Calculations -- Appendix B Useful Design Information.

Thermo-Hydrodynamic Design of Fluidized Bed Combustors: Estimating Metal Wastage is a unique volume that finds that the most sensitive parameters affecting metal wastage are superficial fluidizing velocity, particle diameter, and particle sphericity.  Gross consistencies between disparate data sources using different techniques were found when the erosion rates are compared on the same basis using the concept of renormalization.  The simplified mechanistic models and correlations, when validated, can be used to renormalize any experimental data so they can be compared on a consistent basis using a master equation.

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