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Uniform Spaces and Measures [electronic resource] /by Jan Pachl.

by Pachl, Jan [author.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Fields Institute Monographs: 30Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : 2013.Description: IX, 209 p. online resource.ISBN: 9781461450580.Subject(s): Mathematics | Fourier analysis | Functional analysis | Functions of complex variables | Mathematics | Functional Analysis | Fourier Analysis | Functions of a Complex VariableDDC classification: 515.7 Online resources: Click here to access online
Prerequisites -- 1. Uniformities and Topologies -- 2. Induced Uniform Structures -- 3. Uniform Structures on Semigroups -- 4. Some Notable Classes of Uniform Spaces -- 5. Measures on Complete Metric Spaces -- 6. Uniform Measures -- 7. Uniform Measures as Measures -- 8. Instances of Uniform Measures -- 9. Direct Product and Convolution -- 10. Free Uniform Measures -- 11. Approximation of Probability Distributions -- 12. Measurable Functionals -- Hints to Excercises -- References -- Notation Index -- Author Index -- Subject Index.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: Uniform Spaces and Measures addresses the need for an accessible and comprehensive exposition of the theory of uniform measures -- a need that became more critical when uniform measures recently reemerged in new results in abstract harmonic analysis. Until now, results about uniform measures have been scattered throughout many papers written by a number of authors, some unpublished, using a variety of definitions and notations. Uniform measures are functionals on the space of bounded uniformly continuous functions on a uniform space. They are a common generalization of several classes of measures and measure-like functionals studied in topological measure theory, probability theory, and abstract harmonic analysis. They offer a natural framework for results about topologies on spaces of measures and about the continuity of convolution of measures on topological groups and semitopological semigroups. This book can serve as a reference for the theory of uniform measures. It includes a self-contained development of the theory with complete proofs, starting with the necessary parts of the theory of uniform spaces. It also includes several new results, and presents diverse results from many sources organized in a logical whole. The content is also suitable for graduate or advanced undergraduate courses on selected topics in topology and functional analysis, and contains a number of exercises with hints to solutions as well as several open problems with suggestions for further research.
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Prerequisites -- 1. Uniformities and Topologies -- 2. Induced Uniform Structures -- 3. Uniform Structures on Semigroups -- 4. Some Notable Classes of Uniform Spaces -- 5. Measures on Complete Metric Spaces -- 6. Uniform Measures -- 7. Uniform Measures as Measures -- 8. Instances of Uniform Measures -- 9. Direct Product and Convolution -- 10. Free Uniform Measures -- 11. Approximation of Probability Distributions -- 12. Measurable Functionals -- Hints to Excercises -- References -- Notation Index -- Author Index -- Subject Index.

Uniform Spaces and Measures addresses the need for an accessible and comprehensive exposition of the theory of uniform measures -- a need that became more critical when uniform measures recently reemerged in new results in abstract harmonic analysis. Until now, results about uniform measures have been scattered throughout many papers written by a number of authors, some unpublished, using a variety of definitions and notations. Uniform measures are functionals on the space of bounded uniformly continuous functions on a uniform space. They are a common generalization of several classes of measures and measure-like functionals studied in topological measure theory, probability theory, and abstract harmonic analysis. They offer a natural framework for results about topologies on spaces of measures and about the continuity of convolution of measures on topological groups and semitopological semigroups. This book can serve as a reference for the theory of uniform measures. It includes a self-contained development of the theory with complete proofs, starting with the necessary parts of the theory of uniform spaces. It also includes several new results, and presents diverse results from many sources organized in a logical whole. The content is also suitable for graduate or advanced undergraduate courses on selected topics in topology and functional analysis, and contains a number of exercises with hints to solutions as well as several open problems with suggestions for further research.

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