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Masculinities in a Global Era [electronic resource] /edited by Joseph Gelfer.

by Gelfer, Joseph [editor.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: International and Cultural Psychology: 4Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : 2014.Description: VI, 277 p. online resource.ISBN: 9781461469315.Subject(s): Philosophy (General) | Developmental psychology | Applied psychology | Psychology | Gender Studies | Sociology, general | Cross Cultural PsychologyDDC classification: 155.33 Online resources: Click here to access online
Introduction -- Part 1: Theoretical Models: New Directions in Gender Role Conflict Research -- Will the Real Joseph Gelfer Please Stand Up: Multiple Masculinities and the Self -- Part 2: Masculinity and Stability -- Youthful Warrior Masculinities in Indonesia -- Men of Honor: Examining Individual Differences in Masculine Honor Beliefs -- "Men are Hard...Women are Soft": Muslin Men and the Construction of Masculine Identity -- Part 3: Masculinity Under Negotiation: Making the Global Bhadralok?: Bengali Men and the Transnational Middle Class in India -- Better Men?" Gendered Culturalized Citizenship in Male Emancipation Projects in the Netherlands -- Fluid Masculinities? Case Study of the Kingdom of Bahrain -- Masculinity in Ambiguity: Constructing Taiwanese Masculine Identities between Great Powers -- Historical Sediments of Competing Gender Models in Indigenous Guatemala -- Part 4: Sexuality: Hypospadias, the "Bathroom Panopticon" and Men's Psychological and Social Urinary Practices -- Cannibals and Ghosts: Forms of Capital, Immobility and Dependence Among Former Javanese Sex Workers in South Bali -- Transgender Identity and Acceptance in a Global Era: The Muxes of Juchitán.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: The ongoing movement toward globalization challenges us to reconsider issues of individual identity. Are we evolving into citizens of the world? How crucial is nationality? And for men, what does it now mean to be male? Diverse answers to this provocative question are analyzed in Masculinities in a Global Era in its theoretical models, study findings, and compelling examples. Multiple dynamics are displayed in these chapters--gender and sexuality, tradition and change, local and global, East and West--as male identity is defined as a work in progress in locations as disparate as Ireland and Indonesia. Contributors analyze the larger paradoxes and ambiguities of studying masculinity and globalization, and of the gender contexts of globalization as a social phenomenon. As a volume, the perspective is multinational, multiracial, sexually inclusive, and optimistic about globalization as a positive transformative force. Among the featured topics:  Examining individual differences in masculine honor beliefs. Bengali men and the transnational middle class in India. Fluid masculinities: the case of Bahrain. Gendered cultured citizenship in male emancipation projects in the Netherlands. Hypospadias, the "Bathroom Panopticon." Transgender identity and acceptance: the Muxes of Juchitan, Mexico.  Crossing myriad domains much like globalization itself, Masculinities in a Global Era is a thoughtful reference for researchers in a variety of disciplines, including cross-cultural studies, gender studies, sexuality, sociology, and developmental and cross-cultural psychology.
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Introduction -- Part 1: Theoretical Models: New Directions in Gender Role Conflict Research -- Will the Real Joseph Gelfer Please Stand Up: Multiple Masculinities and the Self -- Part 2: Masculinity and Stability -- Youthful Warrior Masculinities in Indonesia -- Men of Honor: Examining Individual Differences in Masculine Honor Beliefs -- "Men are Hard...Women are Soft": Muslin Men and the Construction of Masculine Identity -- Part 3: Masculinity Under Negotiation: Making the Global Bhadralok?: Bengali Men and the Transnational Middle Class in India -- Better Men?" Gendered Culturalized Citizenship in Male Emancipation Projects in the Netherlands -- Fluid Masculinities? Case Study of the Kingdom of Bahrain -- Masculinity in Ambiguity: Constructing Taiwanese Masculine Identities between Great Powers -- Historical Sediments of Competing Gender Models in Indigenous Guatemala -- Part 4: Sexuality: Hypospadias, the "Bathroom Panopticon" and Men's Psychological and Social Urinary Practices -- Cannibals and Ghosts: Forms of Capital, Immobility and Dependence Among Former Javanese Sex Workers in South Bali -- Transgender Identity and Acceptance in a Global Era: The Muxes of Juchitán.

The ongoing movement toward globalization challenges us to reconsider issues of individual identity. Are we evolving into citizens of the world? How crucial is nationality? And for men, what does it now mean to be male? Diverse answers to this provocative question are analyzed in Masculinities in a Global Era in its theoretical models, study findings, and compelling examples. Multiple dynamics are displayed in these chapters--gender and sexuality, tradition and change, local and global, East and West--as male identity is defined as a work in progress in locations as disparate as Ireland and Indonesia. Contributors analyze the larger paradoxes and ambiguities of studying masculinity and globalization, and of the gender contexts of globalization as a social phenomenon. As a volume, the perspective is multinational, multiracial, sexually inclusive, and optimistic about globalization as a positive transformative force. Among the featured topics:  Examining individual differences in masculine honor beliefs. Bengali men and the transnational middle class in India. Fluid masculinities: the case of Bahrain. Gendered cultured citizenship in male emancipation projects in the Netherlands. Hypospadias, the "Bathroom Panopticon." Transgender identity and acceptance: the Muxes of Juchitan, Mexico.  Crossing myriad domains much like globalization itself, Masculinities in a Global Era is a thoughtful reference for researchers in a variety of disciplines, including cross-cultural studies, gender studies, sexuality, sociology, and developmental and cross-cultural psychology.

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