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Building Telecom Markets [electronic resource] :Evolution of Governance in the Korean Mobile Telecommunication Market / by Whasun Jho.

by Jho, Whasun [author.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: The Political Economy of the Asia Pacific: Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : 2014.Description: XVIII, 222 p. 3 illus. online resource.ISBN: 9781461478881.Subject(s): Economics | Economic policy | Economics/Management Science | Economic Policy | Innovation/Technology Management | Political EconomyDDC classification: 338.9 Online resources: Click here to access online
1. Research Questions -- 2. Theoretical discussion -- 3. Global Challenges in Telecommunication -- 4. Overview of the Korean Response: From Monopolies to Liberalization -- 5. The Emergence of Centralized Governance in the Korean Mobile Market -- 6. The Emergence of Flexible Governance under the WTO Regime -- 7. Conclusion.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: The mobile telecommunication industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in the global economy since the late 1990s. As the first country to offer commercial Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) cellular service in the world, Korea was able to jump right into the digital mobile markets, enhancing its status as a leading manufacturer of mobile equipment. While the growth of the telecom industry occurred with the emergence of worldwide market-oriented regulatory reform and liberalization in telecommunications, the state-market relationship in Korea evolved from state monopoly toward “centralized governance” and later toward “flexible governance,” which is substantially different from “liberal governance” of the US. This book examines the uniqueness of Korean regulatory reforms of the mobile telecommunication sector, and argues that the market-oriented regulatory reform and liberalization should be explained by theoretic foundations of governance, focusing on the interactions among the state, the private sector and international political economic environment. It can contribute to the empirical and theoretical debates in academics and policymakers who are interested in the policymaking of states, political economy and development in the era of liberalization.  
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1. Research Questions -- 2. Theoretical discussion -- 3. Global Challenges in Telecommunication -- 4. Overview of the Korean Response: From Monopolies to Liberalization -- 5. The Emergence of Centralized Governance in the Korean Mobile Market -- 6. The Emergence of Flexible Governance under the WTO Regime -- 7. Conclusion.

The mobile telecommunication industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in the global economy since the late 1990s. As the first country to offer commercial Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) cellular service in the world, Korea was able to jump right into the digital mobile markets, enhancing its status as a leading manufacturer of mobile equipment. While the growth of the telecom industry occurred with the emergence of worldwide market-oriented regulatory reform and liberalization in telecommunications, the state-market relationship in Korea evolved from state monopoly toward “centralized governance” and later toward “flexible governance,” which is substantially different from “liberal governance” of the US. This book examines the uniqueness of Korean regulatory reforms of the mobile telecommunication sector, and argues that the market-oriented regulatory reform and liberalization should be explained by theoretic foundations of governance, focusing on the interactions among the state, the private sector and international political economic environment. It can contribute to the empirical and theoretical debates in academics and policymakers who are interested in the policymaking of states, political economy and development in the era of liberalization.  

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