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Nuclear Medicine Radiation Dosimetry [electronic resource] :Advanced Theoretical Principles / by Brian J McParland.

by McParland, Brian J [author.]; SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: London : Springer London : 2010.Description: XXXII, 464p. online resource.ISBN: 9781848821262.Subject(s): Medicine | Radiology, Medical | Nuclear medicine | Medicine & Public Health | Nuclear Medicine | Imaging / Radiology | Medical and Radiation PhysicsDDC classification: 616.07548 Online resources: Click here to access online
The Role of Radiation Dosimetry in Nuclear Medicine -- Theoretical Tools -- Nuclear Properties, Structure, and Stability -- Radioactive Decay: Microscopic Theory -- Radioactive Decay: Macroscopic Theory -- Photon Interactions with Matter -- Charged Particle Interactions with Matter -- Radiation Fields and Radiometrics -- Radiation Dosimetry: Theory, Detection, and Measurement -- Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation -- Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry -- Anthropomorphic Phantoms and Models of Biological Systems -- The Biodistribution (I): Preclinical -- The Biodistribution (II): Human -- The Biodistribution (III): Analysis -- The Ethics of Using Human Subjects in Clinical Trials Involving Radiopharmaceuticals -- The Future of Nuclear Medicine Radiation Dosimetry.
In: Springer eBooksSummary: The field of nuclear medicine is experiencing a transition where accurate dosimetry, approaching that required in external beam radiotherapy, may become the norm. Therapeutic applications are, by nature, patient-specific and bespoke calculations are required. It is becoming increasingly important for nuclear medicine practitioners to be able to administer such precise, carefully calculated doses to their patients, in both the diagnostic and therapeutic settings. Nuclear Medicine Radiation Dosimetry provides a comprehensive account of the theoretical foundations for understanding the dosimetry calculations and internal radiation dosimetry algorithms as applied to both diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. It elucidates the reader to the theory that underlies the practice, and in doing so, enables more informed judgments and considerations when treating the patient. Written by an authority in the field and laid out for easy consultation, Nuclear Medicine Radiation Dosimetry is an essential reference volume for nuclear medicine physicists in both clinical practice and research. Brian J. McParland, BASc MSc PhD currently heads a commercial medical physics group based in the UK, Norway and India supporting clinical trials developing diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals, vascular contrast media and in vivo optical imaging agents. He is also an elected Fellow of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine, the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, UK and the Institute of Physics, UK.
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The Role of Radiation Dosimetry in Nuclear Medicine -- Theoretical Tools -- Nuclear Properties, Structure, and Stability -- Radioactive Decay: Microscopic Theory -- Radioactive Decay: Macroscopic Theory -- Photon Interactions with Matter -- Charged Particle Interactions with Matter -- Radiation Fields and Radiometrics -- Radiation Dosimetry: Theory, Detection, and Measurement -- Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation -- Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry -- Anthropomorphic Phantoms and Models of Biological Systems -- The Biodistribution (I): Preclinical -- The Biodistribution (II): Human -- The Biodistribution (III): Analysis -- The Ethics of Using Human Subjects in Clinical Trials Involving Radiopharmaceuticals -- The Future of Nuclear Medicine Radiation Dosimetry.

The field of nuclear medicine is experiencing a transition where accurate dosimetry, approaching that required in external beam radiotherapy, may become the norm. Therapeutic applications are, by nature, patient-specific and bespoke calculations are required. It is becoming increasingly important for nuclear medicine practitioners to be able to administer such precise, carefully calculated doses to their patients, in both the diagnostic and therapeutic settings. Nuclear Medicine Radiation Dosimetry provides a comprehensive account of the theoretical foundations for understanding the dosimetry calculations and internal radiation dosimetry algorithms as applied to both diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. It elucidates the reader to the theory that underlies the practice, and in doing so, enables more informed judgments and considerations when treating the patient. Written by an authority in the field and laid out for easy consultation, Nuclear Medicine Radiation Dosimetry is an essential reference volume for nuclear medicine physicists in both clinical practice and research. Brian J. McParland, BASc MSc PhD currently heads a commercial medical physics group based in the UK, Norway and India supporting clinical trials developing diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals, vascular contrast media and in vivo optical imaging agents. He is also an elected Fellow of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine, the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, UK and the Institute of Physics, UK.

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